Has the medical/biological sciences focus at Pitt ever bothered you?

<p>I was really excited at first about Pitt before I noticed that my major (civil engineering) was really small and that everyone else is a pre-med, nursing or science major. Has anyone felt the same way as me and is this a good reason why I should turn down Pitt?</p>

<p>I don’t think the size of a department can be equated with quality. There are certainly a lot of medically-related majors at Pitt, but there are many other fields of study, too. There’s business, law, education, engineering, international studies, public affairs, etc. And that doesn’t even mention the huge Arts and Sciences college. Pitt has one of the top philosophy departments in the country and although it is tiny, the German department is top-notch. Perhaps the overwhelming presence of UPMC makes the health majors seem more predominant than they really are. If you want to be an engineer, I would just evaluate the engineering school separately from the other majors.</p>

<p>Also, in case you didn’t notice, the health majors are pretty much sequestered on the upper campus. ;)</p>