Hate my college, have poor grades, want to transfer but feel stuck.

What’s good college confidential,

I currently am studying at Indiana University and I think moving to Bloomington has been the worst decision of my life. Ever since I have moved here my life has spun out of control, as most of my male family members have passed away, as well as having developed arthritis and bipolar disorder. I really want to study and get a degree, but I genuinely hate the environment around this campus and don’t feel comfortable simply walking around. I want to be a lawyer in a big city in dry-weather (due to my arthritis), and would like to go to a college in one of these cities. However, during the timing of my family member’s death, I was tasked with taking on estate-related responsibilities, as well as having virtually no family to support me emotionally. This caused my grades to slide terribly (1.5 GPA).

I’d really like to transfer to a big school in Colorado, Arizona, California (in the valley), or anywhere else with sun and dry weather. However I feel as though I can’t because of my grades (which are not a product of how smart or dedicated I am to school, rather dealing with immense family issues a 21 year old shouldn’t have to deal with). I feel lost and hopeless in the Bloomington, especially because the weather is grayer then Dumbledore.

Any advice?

I’m sorry you’re having a hard time.

You need to be practical. Go to the counseling center on campus. Get a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist and get evaluated for your mental health. Adjust your medication if you already take that, and go to therapy if that helps you. It will be tough to get your life in order without getting your head in order.

Go see your academic advisor. Figure out how to improve your grades so you have a realistic chance of transferring. See if you can take any failed classes over and replace the grades. Consult with whoever is handling the finances in your family to see if out of state tuition to a U in those states is possible.

You might need to go to community college and raise your grades before transferring. Is all,of,this going to be quick? No, but it’s all do-able, if you can come up with a plan and stay with it. Law school is a long way away, so for,now, focus on just getting your BA or BS.

It’s possible that if your grades are that poor, you can withdraw for this term and start over at CC. Maybe you can get reimbursed for tuition. Is there anyone responsible who can help you think things through? Talk to people and ask for help. Best of luck to you.