Have All Undergrad Architecture Slots Been Awarded?

<p>I know that Va Tech has about 100 undergrad spaces for architecture and that honors eligible students were already notified of their acceptances in late Feb/early March. Do you think all the spaces have been awarded or will some kids get spots on March 26? Just wondering if my kid has a chance. Anybody in the architecture program that received April 1 notification in a prior year? Just curious...</p>

<p>For the past five years, VT has offered admissions to about 250 applicants each year to the Architecture program, looking for a matriculating class of 100. (2008 was an anomaly when they offered admissions to 364 kids for some reason.) It may seem that all the seats are gone at this point, but I am sure there will still be several folks hearing the good news come the end of March.</p>

<p>For a very detailed and interesting look at admissions to the College of Architecture and Urban Studies (CAUS), follow this link:
[Institutional</a> Research - Students: Admissions](<a href=“http://www.ir.vt.edu/VT_Stats/admissions_contents.htm]Institutional”>http://www.ir.vt.edu/VT_Stats/admissions_contents.htm)</p>

<p>Good luck, hope your son is one of those getting the big envelope soon.</p>

<p>Wow, awesome link. Thank You! Very interesting that about half of applicants to architecture are made offers. Much better odds than I had believed…</p>

<p>QuietType, that is a great link. Thanks for sharing it. I am sure many applicants now and in the future will appreciate seeing the actual breakdown. </p>

<p>2014Dad, I am really pulling for your family to hear good news soon! These last few weeks before the notifications come out are really nerve-wracking. I remember how our house had this undercurrent of anxiety that I really didn’t care for. I really think it is as hard or harder on us parents as it is on the kids…Hang in there! </p>

<p>Sending many positive thoughts through cyberspace!</p>

<p>You’re both quite welcome. Like you said K&Ksmom, I was probably fretting more than my D2 about admissions. I kept searching the VT website trying to get any clue at all as to whether D2 had a decent chance at getting into the Arch program at VT. I accidentally stumbled on that website and was amazed at the depth of detail VT plots about all its applicants and admittees. I’ve never seen a more detailed breakdown, especially down to the individual majors, like VT presents on this site. I did breathe a little easier when I was able to compare D2’s stats against those of the previous ten years of applicants. You never really breathe freely until the final decision is made, though.</p>

<p>KandKsmom: Thanks for the well-wishes. We are prepared for the worst, but hope for the best…</p>