Have finished two semesters in UA, GPA 3.7. Any chance to get ANY on campus job?

So far I have applied for 5 positions in my school and I have been rejected by every one of them.

First one was Supply store assistant, which rejected me for not having previous OFFICIAL job experience, CAS peer tutoring TWICE(first one was cancelled due to funding, second one was rejected) and the last one(Math&technology center?) rejected me as well. Just now I got a rejection email from RA position(yes because there were “too many qualified” people, but were there ever NOT “too many” people?)

I have good grades(so far, two semester worth 3.7GPA) but I m now thinking that I downright suck.

I feel like I will never get a job in my like, and i have never felt so uncertain and afraid before. What am I supposed to do??
I am particularly hurt by RA rejection because I visited Career center several times, and obviously I wasn’t still good enough, and yes I know no one owes me a job.

Could it be that I haven’t spent enough time in school? Maybe I should try when I am REALLY a junior?(I am a junior by CREDIT, but technically sophomore)

You should try to find jobs listed by professors who have grant money. Some of them need students to take care of animals or clean up in the labs. Jobs are posted in different places. Look at department bulletin boards, job posting boards around campus, or online boards,… Keep looking and you will find.

Lots if jobs on campus are probably work study, so if you don’t have work study you are at a disadvantage. You might need to take a job off campus (restaurant, etc) for this year. Things to think about:

  • If you can somehow hit the job search before everyone is back on campus in the fall, you may have a better shot.
  • If you know graduating seniors or someone going abroad next fall with a job you would like to have, ask them if it makes sense for you (or them) to talk to their boss about hiring you – have the conversation this spring before they leave.

Foreign studetn’s CANT work off campus unfortunately :((

Have you tried the Rec Center? They seem to hire a lot of students; I’ve known a number of people who’ve worked there.

Most of rec center jobs require previous experience of some sort of customer service…which I dont have.

Re post #3, I’m confused as to why you say international students cannot work off-campus - they cannot work at all unless they have a visa to do so - either on-campus or off-. So, is this a case of your not having the correct visa in the first place?

I have to second the rec center jobs, that’s usually a good source of jobs. How much customer service experience do you need to scan a ticket at a concert? Keep looking!

F1 students can only work on campus butnot off campus. Its just a rule set by immigration law

Apply for the Rec Center jobs anyway. The worst they can do is say no. Do you have experience playing any sports? They’ll train you for intramural ref jobs.

Have you applied for all possible positions with the school? Dining service?