Student jobs for incoming freshmen

<p>So, I have looked up the student job website. Lots oft them are off campus work(which are forbidden to internationals), some of them require GPA(which I don’t have yet), and… I just awfully suck at the rest…</p>

<p>Will new jobs come up during the semester?</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>some of the on-campus jobs are work-study, but some aren’t… I don’t know if Starbucks and similar are work-study…or if the jobs are the Supe store are work-study.</p>

<p>You could also apply to tutor at the tutoring center…you can use your AP grades.</p>

<p>The Avanti students in my dau’s orientation talked about a campus site where all campus jobs get listed - find that and ask about those jobs, and if there is any other source of job openings on campus that would be available for you. Since you don’t have a GPA yet, you may still inquire - they want to make sure that someone doesn’t abruptly quit or have to drop due to grade issues. Talk to students who are working campus jobs, RAs, etc - networking.</p>

<p>Thank you for the information
@mom2collegekids‌ where can I find a link to sign up for being a tutor? I tried to find it </p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>the tutor app is linked at the top</p>

<p>Thank you…</p>