<p>Ok, basicly I've been waiting the past 3 weeks for some type of response to my applications(PhD) to 5 different schools I applied to. I called a couple, and they said that my application is still being reviewed/hasn't been reviewed because they are backed up/will be done next week(I called in the middle of last week). </p>
<p>I'm kind of disenchanted because I knew I wasn't a strong candidate to begin with and I feel like I've been waitlisted. Do the schools have to tell you that you are waitlisted? Also, should I start applying for jobs elsewhere in case I don't get into any schools? I applied for a job and they have set up an interview with me on Monday; I also foolishly told them during the initial phone interview that I was applying to grad schools so I wouldn't be able to make any decisions until I got responses to that. So should I cancel the interview and not apply until I hear responses?</p>
<p>Also, I had transcripts with 2 classes from one school that messed up my transcripts(they had me under 2 files, so only one class was shown) and they only sent the fixed version last week(they messed up big time, then after I visited them they were supposed to remail them but forgot, only found out from one of the schools I applied to and had to call them a couple dozen times to straighten it out). So one of the schools I applied to hasn't even started considering my application(this one was for a Master's though, kinda a backup). Could the possible delay in decision be due to the lack of transcripts for 2 classes? I called the schools and asked if my application was complete and they said it was, so I thought maybe not the transcripts fault. If anyone can lend their thoughts on this, I'd appreciate it.</p>