Having something mailed to UA before arrival

<p>I am considering buying a laptop from an online retailer. I would need to purchase it before Aug 6 (when promotion ends) and pick it up when I arrive at UA. How will I be able to pick it up when I arrive at the university? Do I have to set something up at Ferguson mail center? Do I need to attend BamaBound before I’m eligible to pick up a package/ set up a mail box at Ferguson? </p>

<p>Go to MYBAMA, Student Tab. On the right, half way down, click on Ferguson Mail Center. It should give you the mailing address for packages. All students have their own “MSC” number.</p>

<p>So when the package arrives at the Mail Center, will it be like “waiting” for me when I get there? I use a PO Box. When a package comes in , I get a yellow card saying I have a package and I have to line up to request my package. Is this how Ferguson does it? Also, is Ferguson a privately owned third-party business or is it owned by UA? </p>


<p>Hello - The Ferguson Center is UA’s student center, in the center of the UA campus. The Mail Center is inside the Ferg. Not a third-party business. You will receive an email via your Crimson mail once your package arrives at UA. Hope all goes well for you!</p>

<p>Thank you!! Last question:</p>

<p>How reliable/safe/trustworthy has the mail center been with “expensive” packages, ie. electronics? </p>

<p>Someone else will chime in here… I have only heard good things about the UA mail center; however, we have not personally shipped electronics there. Just haven’t had the need yet.</p>

<p>The Ferguson Mail Center is operated by UA employees in the Campus Mail department. Campus Mail handles lots of important and expensive packages for UA departments and provides the same trustworthy service for students. </p>

<p>How small can packages be before they are counted as “regular mail” (i.e. postcards, letters, etc.) Like a single HDMI cable. Would I need a $50 box to pick this up?</p>