Shipping packages for move-in?

So I have sent two shipments so far to the Ferguson Mail Center, and I used the MSC code and everything. I also emailed the mail center letting them know what I was sending. Is that all I need to do? I’m a bit worried since I’m shipping computer parts I ordered from Newegg to build a new PC when I get there. Where will I pick up my items?

I would email Tina Lee who is a Mail Operations Supervisor at the Ferguson Center and ask her about the best time to pick up your packages. She has always been super kind and helpful when I have contacted her in the past.

When the packages arrive, you will get an email notifying you. Take your ACT card for identification. They’ll hand over the package. No special appointment needed.

The Ferg mail center does a wonderful job; we’ve shipped a lot there over the past year (including electronics)…no issues whatsoever.