HDO Major at UT

I wanted to ask if anyone knows about the Human Dimensions of Organizations undergrad major at UT or is majoring in it. Do you think that it is worth it? And is the salary decent? I am thinking of working in business, like HR management. Do you think this can be achieved with HDO, with good pay?
Please share any advice.

Could it work ? Yes.

Salaries - probably depend on the business type. Ask the department for outcomes.

Would I do it ? Absolutely not.

How do you explain the major to anyone asking ? And I cannot think of a worse field to go into than HR which is being outsourced and those staying changing into data analysts.

I’d run. But that’s me.

Could you please share why you would absolutely not do it?

I explained why -

How do you explain the major? If someone sees History or Poli Sci or Physics or Chemical Engineering or Accounting, they know what it is.

What is “Human Dimensions of Organizations?”

Also, HR jobs may not exist in 10-20 years…they certainly won’t like now. It’s so outsourced - more and more every day and those remaining are statisticians.

It’s just a major I wouldn’t consider.

Would it be interesting? Sure.

Will it land you a successful career? My guess is that would be difficult.

But call the department and ask for a list of where their grads are.