Heartfelf Thank You - campus visit was great!

<p>Hi Everyone
Just wanted to touch base and say THANK YOU to everyone who advised me on where to go and where to eat for our campus visit.</p>

<p>It was a roaring success. Both of my girls loved the campus. Rising Senior is ready to sign up and apply immediately…And my other daughter who is a rising Soph at Iowa State is seriously considering for grad school! lol</p>

<p>We arrived on campus around 10am (flew into Birmingham on Southwest) and drove right to Rama Jama’s. BEST breakfast ever. Great bisquits. Owner even came out to talk to us once he heard we were from chicago. We all had the sweet tea and it was definately the best ever.</p>

<p>We headed over to Bear Bryant Museum and toured that. I made the girls watch the movie, once it was over they were glad I had made them sit. It was a great insight into Alabama’s love of football.</p>

<p>The rest of the day was spent driving around campus, we went to MidTown Mall and had some great cupcakes at GiGi’s. Drove across the street to the other mall and hit Belks. I spent way too much money…and helped the local economy.</p>

<p>We saw the devestation from the tornado and we all had a bit of a cry at the devestation.</p>

<p>That night we went over to the Cypress Inn for an amazing dinner. It was still pretty hot out so we sat in the bar area right next to the big windows. We had fried green tomatoes, which we all loved! Fried pickles and even Hoppin’ John. We sat there for 2 hours and talked about the campus and the people we had met and interacted with.</p>

<p>Everyone was so very nice … We talked to everyone we could in shops, etc asking if they were students and were always treated so well. My girls loved the fact that the boys were so polite.</p>

<p>The next day we met with Jami in the Honors college and our day never stopped from 9am until 4:30ish. We met with Jami, with Allison (Dr. O’Neill had to cancel on us), we met with the head of the AT department and we were able to tour the athletic facilities. We met with an AT student who was also in a sorority and that helped my DD see that she could do both. We even saw the whole football team working out in the indoor facility. We did get to see an honors dorm…Ridgecrest. VERY impressive. </p>

<p>We also took the tour and the tour guide was excellant. It gave us a nice over view of the history of the school…although as a Chicagoan born and bred I do have to admit feeling some ‘Northern Guilt’ every time they brought up that the Union Army burned the campus to the ground and only 4 buildings survived. </p>

<p>After everything was over Jami even drove us over to one of the older dorms so that we could see a ‘regular’ room. I have to say that even a basic room was nice with lots of room for storage.</p>

<p>I was so impressed with how clean the campus is. We were in some older buildings and even those were immaculate and well kept.</p>

<p>There is new building going on everywhere. The other thing that really impressed us is how easy it is to walk from end to end of the campus. LOL we had to do it twice. Once from the Student Union … Was that called Ferguson? All the way to Annex East I think…in back of Rose Hall. We were in a hurry as lunch ran late because the other family was late, but we made it. </p>

<p>That night for dinner we went for ribs at Dreamland, we did not go to the orginal, but the one that was close to downtown. It was ok…I am not a huge fan of vinagar type sauces, but the girls loved theirs. </p>

<p>All in all it was a fantastic campus visit. We will be applying in early July. We still have a couple of other campus visits to get in this summer. ku, k-state, Bowling Green, Kentucky, and Penn State. We have already been to Nebraska and Iowa State and believe me…'Bama is at the top of the list right now. Especially with the merit aid.</p>

<p>Thank you again to all of you who contributed to my thread about where to go, and what to see. It definately made a difference in our visit. My girls got to experience some true Southern Hospitality. 'Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I love reading these types of posts and hearing what others think of The University. Every time I read one, my mind is flooded with memories of my first time on campus and I get goosebumps all over again.</p>

<p>I’m glad your visit went well and hopefully you’ll be back again many more times in the coming years.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>So glad to hear that the visit went well.</p>

<p>Now…save some money and cancel those other campus visits…just kiddin’ ;)</p>

<p>busymom3 … we are from northern burbs (Vernon Hills) and we just completed our 3rd visit to campus for Bama Bound. My Daughter is SO excited to be attending in the fall. Keep us posted as you make your selection, which I’m sure will end with a Bama happy ending! :slight_smile: There are a few FB groups that are sprouting up for families in the chicago area that have students who’ve recently chosen to attend UA. I think one is call TIDE PRIDE(?) Sign up, as I’m sure that will be a valuable resource going forward as we coordinate travel, etc. too and from campus. FYI … we drove down for this trip to Bama Bound so that I could experience the drive BEFORE having to drive down in August with a car full of stuff. While the drive can be accomplished in one LONG day, we opted to leave after rush hour last Monday evening and drove for about 5 hours. The following day, we completed the rest of the drive which allowed us to get into town by around 3:00 pm and not totally exhausted. IT worked out very nicely actually. Good luck, and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>^^^ forgot to mention, that the total drive was approximately 750+ miles for us. Driving just about 5 hours that first evening got us to just north of Louisville … we could have gone a little farther, but was not sure how far we’d need to go past Louisville to get affordable accommodations for the night and not pay the Louisville big-city prices.</p>

<p>So happy to hear that the trip went well! Bama is a great university with terrific scholarships! Good luck with the other college visits but I am hopeful that UA will win out.</p>

<p>Wow! How very cool!</p>

<p>We were stunned by the devastation, too.</p>

<p>Wish we’d gone to Rama Jama’s. I looooove biscuits!</p>

<p>Maybe at move-in time…</p>

<p>The highlight of S’s bama bound dining was pita pit! Interesting. There are so many restaurants I want to try out when I go. I have only been in T-town one night and we ate at the Japanese place (and pita pit).</p>

<p>We are going for my son’s Bama Bound on Friday. He graduated from a small 2 year college in South Ga and will be a JR in the Fall!! He is soooo happy and so am I. He will be in the UA-ACTS a program for students with Aspergers Syndrome. Everyone we have meet so far have been wonderful!! We will meet his mentor on Thursday and then on Friday they will walk him thru Bama Bound!! I am glad we choose UA.</p>

<p>I work with the local school district where we live as a liaison between the district,parents and children who have an Aspergers or Autism diagnosis. I am so excited for yall! I can’t think of a friendlier, more welcoming place to send such a child than Alabama. Please post after Bama Bound and let us know how it goes. If there is anything I can do (not sure but I would most certainly help you any way I can!), pm me! Roll Tide and welcome to the Crimson Tide family!</p>

<p>LOL Mom2ck…you cracked me up! I think that at this point DD is ready to sign on the dotted line. It’s me that wants her to really check out all of her options and to be sure, so we have one more round of college visits scheduled.</p>

<p>Here’s why: Older DD had signed on the dotted line for a small LAC in Iowa, loved it and was very happy…until she attended a tour and Greek Weekend at Iowa State. Suddenly, I’m trying to get housing money back and scurrying to try to get her housing at Iowa State. It all worked out in the end, but she did an 180…from small LAC to big public. I’d sort of like to avoid that type of drama this time…I am getting to damn old for this! ;)</p>

<p>The merit money is really important, but it’s not everything. Trust me when I say that I think that she will be applying early in July! One thing…after coming to see 'Bama, she did decide to cross Auburn off of her list. LOL Not really sure why, and I don’t think it is related, but now we are not going.</p>

<p>Dad2 - Vernon Hills? Hmmm we are in South Suburbs…Orland Park? Did your DD know anyone when she made the decision to go?</p>

<p>Busymom … Well see you’re already IN the south since you’re south of OHare and I90. :-)</p>

<p>As for my D, no. She is the first from our high school to go to UA. She applied to CBHP and when accepted, she announced that her decision was made. She has already made good friends with those she has met so far and new friends from bama bound.</p>

<p>Good luck in your family’s journey. Let’s hope it ends up in UA. Keep em coming from Chicagoland! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>We had the best time at Bama Bound!! The UA-ACTS staff was wonderful!! We meet with them on Thursday and they were able to help Brian get into the classes he wanted. On Friday they had two of the staff members go thru Bama Bound with us.My son is soooo happy about starting in the Fall.My son wants to take every class they have on War History…he could not belive that you could do that!!! I really feel like this was the right choice for him.</p>

<p>Thanks for letting us know how it went. I thought about y’all and was wondering. I take it Brian’s into “War History”? Isn’t it great that he can just satisfy his obsession with it by taking class after class! I am so excited for y’all…keep posting when school begins and let us know how it goes…Welcome to Bama and Roll tide!</p>