Help a Student in Need!

<p>Nationality: African-American
GPA : 3.73 (unweighted now, but had a 3.78 when I submitted my applications) , 4.105 (weighted)
SAT: 610 CR, 600 M, 650 W
SAT II : 680 Bio-M, 660 USH, 640 Math I (could have done better but can't do anything about it now)</p>


<p>Cricket Club
Christian Club
Varsity Soccer
Volunteer at the library
Scholastic Bowl
Manager of JV Boys Volleyball</p>

<p>What are my chances at the following schools:</p>

<p>American University
Syracuse University
Princeton University
Dartmouth University
University of Virginia</p>



<p>??? 10char</p>

<p>I meant Dartmouth College, lol.</p>

<p>not to be gloomy, but honestly, princeton and dartmouth i’d say are probably rejects. UVa, it depends on residency. syracuse and american I could definitely see as ins.</p>

<p>A princeton study shows that african americans get like a 260 point SAT bonus cause of AA. I forget where I found it, but it was a pretty interesting read. So if you want to have a shot at Princeton, you should probably have high 1900s/low 2000s SATs.</p>

<p>bumping up…</p>

<p>bumping up…</p>

<p>Your grades are good and you have some good ECs but your test scores need improvement to be fairly considered for the top schools:</p>

<p>American University - very good probablity
Syracuse University - good probablity
Princeton University - very low probablity
Dartmouth University - low probablity
University of Virginia - maybe</p>

<p>bumping up…way up</p>

<p>Help please!</p>

<p>you already got help…multiple times.
How many times do you wanna hear to get your SAT a little higher?</p>

<p>sorry if that sounds mean, i just came home from practice and am tired</p>

<p>bumping up…way up</p>