HELP: Changing from gooch/Dillard

<p>I was put in gooch and dillard.</p>

<p>How do i get out of it? I put lambeth and bice as my first two choices.</p>

<p>could i get into any of those now or at least the irc?</p>

<p>Bump bump bump</p>

<p>irc is no longer an option.</p>

This offer is the best possible assignment given your group size and position in the random selection process.</p>

<p>If you would only live on-Grounds if assigned to a location other than your present offer, decline the offer by taking no action on this page. After the contract deadline expires, you may submit a waiting list application for a different offer of assignment, should your preference become available.</p>

<p>If you have decided to live on-Grounds, but wish to live in a location other than your present offer, accept the offer and apply for an assignment change to your desired location as outlined in the Future Assignment Change Request Process. You must be in a confirmed assignment (with a signed contract) in order to make an assignment change. PLEASE NOTE: you will be bound to the present assignment offer location, should your desired option not become available!


<p>This is the big block of text under your housing assignment. It's funny, I posted this under another one of your threads 2 days ago.</p>

<p>A little harsh db?</p>

<p>College: you have a few choices
1) take the contract and settle with G/D
2) take the contract and apply for a room change (there is no guarantees it will be granted, and there is no way to tell if you have a good chance of doing so or not)
3) decline the contract and try to find a contract to take over from someone else (this is your best bet, but you'll have little choice about roommates)
4) move off-grounds</p>

<p>why is the irc no longer an option?</p>

<p>Whats the chance of getting into lambeth or bice now? how often does one person get a spot in lambeth after being put somewhere else initially?</p>

<p>db I don't get that quote. i applied alone. Its not like I applied in a group of six or something. i heard everyone who applies alone usually gets a spot.</p>

<p>Like I said, there is no way of knowing your chances of getting into bice/lambeth via a room change. That period won't be until next fall so it's totally a hit or miss. Remember: once you sign that contract, you agree to live in the assigned location. They may say "apply for room change", but if you don't get the change, you're stuck in your assignment. This is why I suggest going on the waitlist; I knew a few people last year who wanted to stay in Lambeth and they got on the waitlist and were ultimately offered a spot.
Are you totally against going off-grounds?</p>

<p>My apologies college. I was incorrect about the IRC. The November 15th deadline is a priority deadline; you can still apply after that date. </p>


I missed the deadline to apply to the IRC. Is it too late?
Nope, November 15th is just the priority deadline. We actually accept admissions all year round (a lot of people don't realize that), but we have to set a deadline for the fall so it's easier for our Admissions Committee to process all of the applications in a timely manner


<p>Applying</a> to Live Here FAQ ?(International Residential College?)</p>

<p>In terms of Bice/Lambeth, the housing website was quite clear. If the only way you would live on-Grounds is if you got your first choice, then you don't accept the housing offer and then sign up for a waitlist to your chosen living area.</p>

<p>If you are going to live on-grounds no matter what your housing assignment, but would prefer a different one than what they gave you, then you accept the housing offer you currently have (gooch/dil) and then apply for a change in the future roommate thing described above.</p>

<p>Actually, db, sorry but I have to disagree on the last part (maybe)
College: if you HAVE to live on grounds, then what you should do is call up the housing office and see how they do the room change thing. Ask them if they take people off the waitlist first, or if they try to arrange room changes first. From what I remember, waitlist people are first, since the room change isn't until next fall.<br>
So, here's what I would do, and why
-decline the contract!! You don't want it, decline it. Besides, G/D never fills, at all. You can still get a contract for G/D next year the day before classes, I promise. Plus, if you wait that long, you can often find people in dire situations getting rid of their contracts and will offer you money to take your G/D contract. There is no reason to sign the contract now. At worse, you'll end up still in G/D but with money in your pocket next spring.
-get on the waitlist for Lambeth/Bice, and be sure to list the others in preference too.
-see what happens. If you get an offer in G/D or something again, decline it, get back on the list. I know a few people who got offers, but not until May/June time, but they still did.
-LOOK AROUND FOR PEOPLE GETTING RID OF THEIR CONTRACTS! It costs $100 to make a deposit in your name for the contract, and most people getting rid of their contract will pay it for you (they had to pay it in the beginning too...everyone does).</p>

<p>Basically, wait it out. Like I said, the worse thing that'll happen is you still end up in G/D but you may get a cheaper rate due to someone begging to get rid of it. You can always sign a contract next summer in August right before coming back. But I promise you, if you wait it out and keep waiting, something in Lambeth/Bice will come along. Put your name on</a> - UVA's #1 Community for Students! also. I picked up a contract in May after I decided to attend UVA last year, in Lambeth, and loved it. I found a ton others for Bice too but I wanted Lambeth so I stuck it out. So, one word: WAIT! And keep searching. Join waitlists. Be happy and don't worry, it'll all work out.</p>

<p>haha shoe i was just paraphrasing housing's thing. I have no opinion in this. My exposure to the debacle known as housing is limited. All I know is that some weeks, they decided not to give us paper towels. :mad: college, I would go with shoe's advice on this. It might take some convincing on the parents part, (I know mine would not be comfortable doing this) but go for it.</p>

<p>I mean it makes sense if someone already has committed to live in a room and pay for it why would Housing give them a different room before they gave someone [who hasn't agreed to pay them money to live there for the year] a room.
I also agree that G/D always has empty rooms so you'll be able to get a contract any time.</p>

<p>Parents...hmm, good point DB.<br>
College, if your parents want you to sign immediately, I don't have many suggestions for you. However, tell them that you cannot sign immediately since you declined your contract, and you are on the waitlist. Point out that all second-years are guaranteed housing, so you WILL have housing. And maybe show them posts on and show them that lots of people try to sell their contracts.
Please keep us updated if you have issues/questions. I've been there, done that, with the whole finding-a-better-contract, so I'd like to help if I can.</p>

<p>I signed the contract. Its not like gooch is that bad.</p>

<p>anyways i’ll just check out hoohasit and uloop in the meantime in addition to the waitlist.</p>

<p>Is there any chance of still getting into the irc?</p>

<p>every place on grounds (except maybe the lawn) has rooms available at the beginning of the year. even brown has ~14 every year (which get filled up by spring semester). i have no doubt that the irc is the same.</p>