Help Finding Safety Schools?

<p>Sorry for the long info--the only essential information is the GPA and SAT, the rest are just to give more info about my application.</p>

My GPA is 3.56UW, 3.82W</p>

<p>SAT Score: 2130
(I'm planning to retake in October to improve math)</p>

<p>SAT subject tests:
French-800 (French is my first language)
World History-730</p>

Senior Year:
I will be taking IB English, Spanish, Biology, Math, Economics, and Honors Humanities
IB Predictions
A1 English HL-5
Spanish AB-7
Biology HL-6
Economics HL-7
Math Studies-6</p>

<p><strong>Though IB classes are the equivalent of AP in Europe, my school does not weight, so these grades are unweighted for the class and for GPA</strong></p>

<p>Junior Year:
A1 English HL-B+
Spanish AB-A+
Biology HL-A-
Economics HL-A-
Math Studies-A-
Honors Humanities-A
Honors Chemistry-B+
Honor Roll for first 2 quarters, High Honor Roll for last 2 quarters</p>

<p><strong>A weight of .075 is applied to all honors classes in Freshman and Sophomore year when GPA was calculated</strong></p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
AP World History-B, B (5 the on exam)
Honors Biology-B+, B
Honors Latin IV-B+, B+
M3 Algebra II-B+, B (M3 is a system my school has that is above grade level but not honors)
Honors English-B+, A+
Photoshop Design-A (1 semester)
Child Development-A+ (1 semester)
Gym and health-passed
I also took the French AP test and got a 5</p>

<p>Honor Roll first 3 quarters, High Honor Roll last quarter</p>

<p>Freshman Year (S1, S2):
Honors Earth Science-B+
Global History-B+, A-
Honors English-B+, A-
M3 Geometry-A-, B
Honors Latin III-A, A
Photography-A (1 semester)
TV Broadcasting-A- (1 semester)
Gym and health-passed</p>

<p>Honor Roll first 3 quarters, High Honor Roll last quarter</p>

Senior Year:
Attended a Royal Academy of Ballet accredited school (2hrs a week)
Cinema Club </p>

<p>Junior Year:
Attended a Royal Academy of Ballet accredited school (2hrs a week)
Cinema Club
Editor of the Humanities Online Course Publication for the year
Summer: interned at Antares Maritime Security Company</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
Attended New England Academy of Dance (8 hrs a week)
Company member of New England Dance Theatre (13 hrs a week, 2 performances a year plus several charity performances)
Ran rehearsals for the younger children for NEAD performance
French Club
Summer: worked at a gelateria</p>

<p>Freshman Year:
Attended New England Academy of Dance (8 hrs a week)
Company member of New England Dance Theatre (13 hrs a week, 2 performances a year plus several charity performances)
Assistant teacher for kinderballet class at NEAD
French Club
Summer: American Academy of Ballet Summer School at SUNY Purchase</p>

I am a very international student--I was born in France and have lived in Paris, London, New York, Connecticut, and Athens.</p>

<p>So far my list is:</p>

Columbia (serious reach, I know…my mom went, but she’s not a very active alumni)
Colby (my dream school!)
Brown (not sure about this one)</p>

Northeastern (not really sure about this one)</p>

None yet–help finding 2/3 would be much appreciated!</p>

<p>I really want to find 1 more reach, 2 more target, and 2/3 safeties. I’m really only looking at schools in New York, Maine, that area.
Thanks so much for any help :D</p>

<p>How much can your family afford to pay each year?</p>

<p>Your stats may affect where you are admitted, but what you can pay will determine where you can attend.</p>

<p>Colby has a pretty steep tuition (I think around 50,000) but we definitely can’t go higher than that.</p>

<p>NYU is more expensive than your limit, gives poor need-based financial aid (if you are even eligible), and has merit scholarships that would likely be an extreme reach at best for you.</p>

<p>What intended or possible major(s)?</p>

<p>There are a number of state universities in the US with list prices lower than your $50,000 limit.</p>

<p>If Colby is your “dream school” I’d look into other northeast LACs that are excellent but are a bit less selective for example: Connecticut College, Dickinson College, Franklin and Marshall, Lafayette (there are many others…just do some research). If you want NYC (since you have Columbia and NYU on your list), then look at Fordham.</p>

<p>Thanks all! would these schools be safeties or target for me?
franklin and marshall
boston university