Tips for high school junior wanting to go to Madison

<p>I'm really interested in going to Madison next year. I am a junior in high school today and wondering if I am totally out of it, as for being accepted.</p>

<p>I'm approximately 21st rank in my class out of 150 (that should be going up as I had a 3.95 last semester, and hopefully the same or better this semester). It should take me to be about the 11-12 rank in my class, hopefully I'll end up with a 3.75-3.9 year GPA.
Last year, as a sophomore, I took a very rigorous course load (compared to other students at my school). First semester, I got a 3.37(physics with a b- and chem with a b) and second semester I got a 3.56. I was sick nearly 35+ days of the school year. </p>

<p>This year I've been doing a lot better. All A's except Anatomy and Physiology with a C+ and Precalc with a B+ ( my schedule includes AP literature, AP Pscyh, Spanish IV, Band, etc.) Will these low grades hurt my chances of being accepted?</p>

<p>I have some ECs but not nearly as many as some people I know. I'm involved in Varsity tennis, Kiwanis Club (President), Foreign Club (active member), Society of Science club (member), and NHS (member). I don't do much volunteering, but I am looking to do a lot this summer and some in the next few months (volunteer at charity stores, volunteer t hopital, volunteer doing health work), will that be good, any suggestions?
And, last year I started my own business. It has been extremely successful and I believe a good EC but I'm not sure. I don't really know how I will input this into my resume or if it just sounds weird. </p>

<p>Can I get some help with what I'm missing (besides those bad grades) in my profile? Does anyone have any suggestions on any EC's or added things that might make me a step ahead or a better chance of getting accepted? </p>

<p>I really appreciate any help!, Thanks!!!</p>

<p>I hope to possibly go into business or science, not sure yet.</p>

<p>Obviously bad grades are going to hurt you. Your ECs are good. What’s missing are your test scores. Make sure your essays are good.</p>

<p>Get the best grades you can this semester and senior year. Finishing with 4 years of HS Spanish will complete the UW foreign language graduation requirement so you may choose a 5th year of Spanish next year or choose another elective. Academics are most important- don’t substitute study time with ECs.</p>