<p>Hi Everyone</p>
<p>This is to current SC students, has anyone taken LING-110Lg In a Word with Vergnaud? How was the instructor/course difficulty? Please message me as I would be willing to purchase your books as well. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!!!</p>
<p>It’s not that hard… but it’s really boring. You won’t really understand the professor (not because of his french accent, its just that words enter your brain and go out immediately)</p>
<p>You don’t need the book.</p>
<p>Just make sure you goto labs because the TAs will help you more. I didn’t really understand anything he was talking about and then I studied by myself for 3 hours right before the test… Yeah aced it. </p>
<p>Just make sure when you take the test you actually understand the concepts which are really easy once you figure out what the hell he was talking about.</p>