<p>I recently emailed my regional admissions officer inquiring about scheduling an alumni interview. I applied regular decision so there is still 2+ months left until decisions are released.</p>

<p>She e-mailed me back today saying exactly "thank you for the email below and I look forward to reviewing your application"</p>

<p>I am COMPLETELY confused as to how I should respond, whether I should respond at all, just assume her response is the equivalence to a no for the interview, or to ask the question again since she did not address the question at all.</p>

<p>Any advice would be HIGHLY appreciated! Thank you!!!!! </p>

<p>to my knowledge alumni interviews are not part of the application decision at all. Where did you hear about an alumni interview being offered??</p>

<p>Hey, I’m sorry I don’t have answers for you, but how long did it take your admissions officer to answer your email?</p>

<p>@sarah1002, DS was admitted EA but was never offered alumni interviews.</p>

<p>They are optional and NOT required. They will not aid much in the final decision at UM. Some schools ( Ives specially) use interviews as an extra factor in admissions. Do not worry, you will not be at a disadvantage.</p>