Help! I was suspended from school for a semester! Advice?

<p>This is also my first not sure if I'm am posting it in the correct spot.</p>

<p>Help! I was suspended from school for a semester! Advice?
I fooled around my first semester of college, and it absolutely annihilated my GPA, and I was placed on academic probation. I pretty much had to double my GPA to stay in school and to be off of academic probation. However, I did not end up doing as well as I thought and I am suspended for the Fall semester. The school also yanked my financial aid, and my parents are no longer going to help pay for any of my tuition and fees. I'm also at a rather down point in my life and nothing seems to be going right. I know that I brought this all on myself, but right now I just don't know what to do or where to turn, and some advice would be really helpful. Thank you!</p>

<p>With all the events that has been happening in your life, it’s best to start looking forward and learn from the past. You should think about the things that you want. Do you want to continue school vowing to try harder and to not goof off? You should try to figure out what went wrong and how you can fix them. Was it your study habits, not focusing, friends, etc and try to figure out what you need to be enrolled in a school again. You need money and want to be able to support yourself? Try finding a job. Set goals for yourself. That way you can accomplish things step by step and hopefully this will help you in the future :)</p>

<p>When I was an undergrad, some time ago, men in your position typically joined the armed services. Women did that too, but others opted for the MRS degree. For obvious reasons, both of these may be less appealing today.</p>

<p>Some things not to do:

  1. Give up.
  2. Take on student debt.
  3. Let this undermine your relationship with your parents.</p>

<p>Your current problems can be mitigated with time and effort but the items above are much harder to undo.</p>

<p>Probably the best thing that you can do is to try to get a job, as difficult as that might be. In this instance almost any job will be a step in the right direction.</p>



<p>Follow exactly that Skywalkeeer. :)</p>