Help me out please...

<p>Okay so I have until the 30th of June to drop the FSSP...
Do you guys think I should go to it? </p>

<p>My senior year was filled with Ap & honor classes, so I became metnally exhausted... Should I take a break and begin in the Fall? or go ahead and begin in the summer??</p>

<p>Please answer honestly. Thanks.</p>

<p>Well, to be honest thats completely up to you and how you feel. There's plenty of advantages to going to fssp besides the fact your taking course's like getting fimilar with the campus and city, meeting friends, getting used to the system, etc. I would think its worth it.</p>

<p>In the end, its up to you to decide if the juice is worth the squeeze, haha</p>

<p>it might be fun for you, just take a course you'll be good at. college courses aren't all as hard as they try to make them seem, you should be fine.</p>