Help me PLZ!

<p>i just took the SAT yesterday and when i saw the essay prompt i was like, "what the hell is this..." So i totally bsed it seeing as how it was such a stupid topic and it probably brought my score on the essay down to a 7 or 8... I am really mad at this because i think i did totally well on the MC. </p>

<p>Can anyone tell me how this will affect my score if i receive a 10 instead?</p>

<p>When I took the SAT back in December (my first try), I received an essay score of 8. I did, however, get 80 on the multiple choice. Ended up getting 780 on writing. If you feel very confident about your multiple choice, I would expect a 750+ score. Plus, colleges don’t put very much emphaiscs on the essay because they know that a person’s true writing ability can’t be judged by a short 25 minute improvised essay. That’s what the college essay are for.</p>

<p>I hope Toomuchpressure is right about colleges not putting too much emphasis on the essay, b/c I also bombed the essay both times I took it- I got an 8, then a 9. On the other hand, I did well on the MC, so I hope that’s enough.</p>

<p>oo ok thanks!</p>

<p>i took the SATs twice once in june and again in october… i got around a 73 on the MC for both… in june i got a 9 on my essay and i got a 700 but in october i got an 11 on my essay and i got a 760</p>

<p>the MC definitely has more weight than the essay.
If you did really well on the MC, as long as you don’t bomb the essay (like get a 5 or 6) you should be fine. It will affect your score maybe a couple of points but not drastically. A bad MC will drastically affect your score even if you get a 12 essay.</p>