<p>Please tell me what my chances are at these places: reach, match, safety</p>
<p>Schools I'm interested in:</p>
<p>Dartmouth (ED?)-lightly recruited for squash
UPenn (ED?)
Williams - tennis may help a little bit
Middlebury - squash may help
Stanford - squash may help
Princeton - my dream school
Georgetown - safety?
Bowdoin - safety?
Brown - some interest
Colgate- safety?</p>
<p>I attend one of the most competitive boarding schools which is very rigorous academically. We do not rank, but I think I'd be in the top 5-10%.
My credentials are as follows:</p>
<p>1440 SAT (660 Verbal, 780 Math) / retook don't have score yet
SAT II: Math IIC 770, Writing 720, Chemistry 710
GPA is about a 3.82, which is very good for this caliber school although may not appear impressive in general terms.</p>
<p>Nationally Commended Merit Scholar
AP Scholar</p>
<p>Honor Roll every semester</p>
Junior year: AP US History, AP Calculus BC, Honors Chemistry, English III, Honors French IV (Year GPA: 4.0 weighted)</p>
<p>Senior year: AP Physics-C, Honors Multivariable Calculus (Calc II), AP English, AP Economics</p>
<p>I am being recruited as a squash player, but not heavily</p>
<p>I was the captain of varsity tennis for two years and on varsity all 4</p>
<p>Head of WISE, Head of Math Team, Tour Guide Head, Head of Dining Room Committee, Vice President of Surfing Club, Dorm Prefect, Head of French Club</p>
<p>What are my chances?</p>