<p>Really want to win, seeing as I've been a FBLA member for the past 3 years and served as Secretary this past year.</p>
<p>I'm not sure on how to conclude strongly and my word choice is bleh at times. </p>
<p>So here it is:</p>
<p>As consumers in the business world, we face decisions everyday:
Which product is able to offer us better value?
Which product boasts better quality? Is the product proven to work?
Ultimately, we pick the product that offers us the best return. </p>
<p>Now, as the Future Business Leaders of America, you guys are all saavy with what constitues a
powerful product, and how this product can strengthen a business. In this election, consider your candidates
as products, and the club of FBLA as your business. Wouldn't you want the most effective product?</p>
<p>How can Sameep and I bolster this club?
We have the commitment; both of us have been members of FBLA for 3 years.
We have the drive; you've seen us at all club events.
Most importantly, however, we have the unparalled experience;
both have us have served on the officer board this past year. We have seen what needs to be done
for this club to operate smoothly. </p>
<p>Thanks everybody.</p>