help my choose my HLs

<p>Well i am un my 2nd IB year i've taken the following:</p>

<p>Spanish A1 Literature - HL
English B - HL
History - HL
Math - HL
Physics -SL
ITGS - SL</p>

<p>Now I have to sign up for the exams I have three options:</p>

<p>Drop History to SL
Drop Literature to SL
Or take 4 HLs</p>

<p>I am pretty proficient in all subjects and I plan to apply to Ivy league colleges. I am from Peru BTW. Should I take 4 HL or drop one course to potentially get a higher total score, in that case which one do you recommend to drop?</p>

<p>@algarcia I think you should definitely drop one of your subjects to standard level, that way you cam maximise your overall total score. The class i’d advise you to drop is Higher Level maths (unless your applying for engineering) because it’s the subject with the biggest difference in difficulty between SL/HL, dropping to SL would save you A LOT of time and energy. However, if your planning on going into something heavy on maths i advise you to stick with higher level maths.</p>

<p>Otherwise, drop spanish literature? The thing with your higher level subject is that there is little difference in difficulty between SL/HL so dropping one wouldn’t make that much of difference in terms of reducing your workload. So i’d keep the four higher levels. Or you could drop the higher level subject you least enjoy as it will be less of a hassle to study when final exams come around as there will be a reduction in difficulty/content at standard level. </p>

<p>I dropped English Lit to SL and it was a mixed decision. I dont know if Eng and Span assessments are the same but for Paper 2 SL has the exact same prompts but I shorter period of time to finish - although they same that they grade these exams more leniently. But for the internal assessments I got one of the only 7s for my oral and I’m pretty sure it’s because I had the same preparation as everyone else except I had an easier assessment.
If asked to make the decision again I would definitely drop from HL.</p>

<p>If you dropped HL Math then the exam would be crazy easy.</p>