Help Needed for a Short Stay in May

<p>DS will spend most of the summer at UA doing a REU and working for the tutoring center. We signed a lease starting May 20 back in January before knowing that he would actually get the REU. The problem is that his starting day is May 12, so we need to find accommodations from ideally May 10 until May 20. It needs to be something within walking distance from campus, since his only transportation will be a bike. I checked the hotel on campus and it is very pricey. Any ideas? Thanks!!!</p>

<p>Does UA Housing itself offer some sort of bridging accommodation during summer months? Or are they the ones who told you you need to find alternative accommodation?
PS: Congrats on the REU, too! that’s fantastic! :wink: What is the dept/subject/project that your S will be doing?</p>

<p>REU is in the EE department. He has a choice to stay on campus and part of the stipend would go to housing, but since we only need the accommodations for 10 days we really do not want to pay for both places. I will contact housing and see if it is possible to stay only for the 10 days. Anyone know who would be the best contact in housing? </p>

<p>Definitely talk to housing. You should ask for the person who deals with conference housing, since that is where your son would stay. You would probably be charged on a prorated basis. My son has stayed on campus both summers, not as part of an REU, but his best friend was in an REU and they couldn’t room together or even stay in the same dorm. It’s an insurace thing. We’ve moved son in at odd times, too, because of when his job started, after he had already come home at move out. Luckily, we had his stuff in storage in Tuscaloosa so just took a few things out that he definitely needed for the summer, and then brought over the rest to his permanent digs at the end of summer session II. Congratulations on the REU. Fantastic!</p>

<p>I’d suggest your son visit the housing office in person and ask. If he’s currently in on campus housing, he’ll have a much better chance of getting such “bridging” accommodations. Otherwise, does he have any friends living off campus whom he can live with for a couple nights? </p>

<p>He checked with housing and found out that he can stay for the first summer interim session, May5- May 23. The cost is still high ( he will be footing all bills this summer) but better than staying at the hotel on Campus for 10 nights.
He is in the process of asking his friends, but many if them live in the dorms…</p>

<p>Yes, he would pay for interim housing. If the same holds true for the last couple of summers, he’d be able to move into his regular dorm room after second summer session ends, and not pay for that. Of course, that may change this summer, so be sure to check first. Look on the bright side. He’s going to get a great experience this summer. And you will save money, believe me, in that you won’t have to feed him for the summer.</p>

<p>Well said, Montegut!
Thanks for the congrats also. </p>

<p>Where is the lease that starts later in May? Will they let you start earlier? </p>

<p>The student that lives there will move out on the 18th, so the 20th is the earliest that DS can move in. It is a small apartment near Publix. </p>