Help, never received my MYUM id?

<p>Hello, I'm applying as a transfer student to UM and I have handed in all my required documents but the only thing they were missing was my letter of recommendation (that was in the mail) but they never gave me a UM id #?</p>

<p>Should I be worried? or do they assign them later? When did you guys receive them?</p>

<p>Also, when should we expect to hear back about transfer admission decisions? rolling? or april 15th? I'm hearing some mixed answers on this website.</p>

<p>when did you applied??? </p>

<p>they take about 3 to 7 days i think, either way i think you should contact the office of international admission by e-mail or phone, the deadline is March 1st i believe, so do it fast.</p>

<p>no rolling admission decisions, you should get your letter in mid- april. Sometimes you recieve it in before if you are a strong candidate.</p>

<p>I am a transfer too¡¡¡, what is your major??? post your stats¡¡¡¡</p>

<p>From American University with a 3.17 gap transferring into my Junior year there, Just got accepted!</p>

<p>wowwwwwww, really¡¡¡¡ congratssss…</p>

<p>I cant think of anything else but the acceptance (hopefully not rejection) letter.</p>

<p>i have 87/100 , about a 3.6 GPA according to a credit evaluation agency.</p>

<p>what´s your major?? you got an e-mail or you just checked MYUM??</p>