<p>I just transferred to a school this semster and want to transfer out for the next semester. Since I will have only earned 12 credits here and when I send my transcripts there really won't be anything in it, should I just list the college I was at for 2 years and just omit the one I am at now. It would look sort of bad if the looked at my application and see that the school gave me tons of fin aid and I am just leaving them, they might think I would do the same thing at their school (my college professor explained this to me, he used to run admissions at a university). On the other side of the coin I did get a lot of awards when I came here and that might make my application look that much better.</p>
<p>Might be a stupid question but wouldn't it be like a lie to omit your present college? And what if you got admitted and afterwards your future college happened to find out about your present college? Do you want to take that risk?
And besides, wouldn't you have to retake some of the courses (at least those for your major) that you are already taking this semester? And how would you explain the gap in your CV?
If I were you I would NOT omit your present college, but I would explain why I don't want to stay there or rather attend another school.
Let me try to follow your professor's thoughts.... Aren't you in your junior year right now? So you are trying to transfer out for the second semester of your junior year? Would it make any sense to transfer out again from there just for senior year? Or would any other college still accept you then? If not, why should the schools you are applying to be afraid that you would transfer out again after a semester or so?</p>
<p>The first school was a 2 year college and I recieved my A.A.S, so I had to leave ,then I came to this school because I really liked the idea of attending an art school in san francisco because it was so far away from what I was used to (coming from a CC in south Texas). Now I'm here and I realize this school is not for me.</p>
<p>I really have no idea what my class standing would be considered at other schools, most likely a second semester sophmore (that's what I am now) although with some of the schools that I am applying to I would have to change my major, so who knows what would happen there. My professor was just thinking that with a lot of scholarships, once they are allotted it's too late to give it to someone else. For example, if I were to leave this semester, there is a possibility that someone else who could have gotten the rest of my scholarship money (approx. 8 grand) but they won't. At least that was my understanding of the situation. I'm also not sure if it's a case of transferring too soon after just transferring from another school and it might seem like I didn't give this school a chance, but if I stay here I could quite possibly become insane.</p>
<p>You'll have to stay the year at your current school, unless all your apps have been done or are going to be done by November 1st. BTW, financial aid is spererate from admissions.</p>