Help on Writing Supplement


<p>I have a problem on the second writing supplement of CC.</p>

<p>It is the one about the Block Plan.
"The Block Plan at Colorado College has a tradition of innovation and flexibility. Please design your own three-and-a-half week intellectual adventure and describe what you would do."</p>

<p>I know it says three-and-a-half week, but does it asks me to say which course I would take for 3.5 weeks and how would I take it? Or is it asking me to desgin a plan for the whole semester? or the whole year?</p>

<p>I would appreciate any help.Thanks!</p>

<p>I took it to mean just make up a sort of freestyle academic adventure, I talked about a independant research project.</p>

I mean, it does makes reference to the Block Plan and I think you have to talk about it, or how you would design your own block plan, but I am not really sure.
I really want to go to this college and I don’t want to mess up anything from the app :(</p>

<p>it’s open to interpretation so be creative. A block is technically a mini semester at CC so it’s about a course taken in the 3 1/2 week block not a full year. One of the great things about CC is they like individuality which is why the essay is open to interpretation. They want to know where your mind goes with this.</p>

<p>Design your dream course and how it would be taught/conducted over the three and half weeks.</p>

<p>Can anyone send me a PM including what you put for this supplement? I would like to get an idea, if you don’t mind. I started an eraser but I don’t like it at all</p>

<p>Be creative and talk about something you are interested in learning and further exploring. I wrote about a research project that related to my major, but I’m sure you don’t have to do that.</p>