
<p>Does anyone have any advice for the design your own block supplement? I am confused about how in depth I should go. Is it an overview of your ideal block or is it almost like day by day? Any suggestions from those who have been accepted would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>I wrote mine more as an overview of my ideal block, but I’m pretty sure they leave the question so open ended on purpose because they want to see where you take it. I know some people that wrote a very detailed, day by day syllabus type essay, whereas I’m pretty sure mine was half a page maybe? It was really just a general course description (I was a bio major, so creativity isn’t really my forte hah!). But this essay is your chance to shine, be creative, and show the admissions committee that you really understand the block plan. Good luck!!</p>

<p>I’m having the same issue with that essay. Also, how long do you think each of the required essays should be word-wise?</p>

<p>Thanks peaceout! I saw on another thread that you said a lot of your friends traveled to different places for blocks. How does all the expenses work for class field trips? Does the class just cost a lot more to begin with or is it all covered in the cost of the tuition?</p>

<p>Depends. If the class doesn’t involve airfare, then everything except meals are covered by the cost of tuition (and even then, meals are taken out of you meal plan, so what you would have spent on campus anyways is subtracted). Generally you have to cover airfare yourself (though some classes do include cost of airfare, which is awesome), but there are scholarships and grants you can apply for to help you out. Good luck on your application, and let me know if you have any more questions!</p>

<p>bythefuries - there really is no word limit for the block plan essay. Make it as long as you see fit! That was the only supplemental essay I had to write when I applied, so if there’s any other essays I can’t be of much help for them specifically, but I would guess the same thing applies for the length: make them as long as they need to be.</p>