help out a miserable mcb major

<p>i recently had a change of heart after my first year at cal, and decided to change into bioengineering. These are the relevant classes I've taken so far: Chem 1A, Chem 3A/L, Math 1A, Math 1B, and a ****load of other breadth/r&c classes. Is there a way to catch up and be ontrack to switch into the coe? Next semester, I tentatively plan on taking Chem 3B/3BL, Bio1B, and English R1B. What class do you suggest i add on? Math 53? BioE10? I donno. i'm absolutely clueless how to change my previously and meticulously planned schedule to major in MCB. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, do you think it would be better to just do all the premed requirements and major in comp sci? Which will take less additional classes, be more convenient? Thanks again.</p>

<p>If you are pre-med that pretty much everything you took for MCB prereqs would still need to be taken for the med school prereqs. </p>

<p>The challenge is catching up to the CoE timeline as they have a pretty specific. Essentially, you are short on E7, E10, BioE seminar and Phys 7A. In addition, you need to sign up for the normal soph year load - Math 53, Math 54, Phy 7B, Chem 3B/3BL, Bio 1A/1AL, and a bioeng prep course of your choice. Fortunately, you may have the humanities/social studies courses handled, but you need to check what you have completed against the CoE approved lists. Verify that the R&C course you took is acceptable to CoE.</p>

<p>Had you realized this earlier, you could have taken some of your shortfall in summer session this year. CoE is pretty strict about moving folks through in four years, while you are most of a semester ‘behind’ in terms of the coursework. Perhaps with a plan that includes the next two summers or an even heavier than normal workload for an engineering student (as if it wasn’t heavy enough), you can demonstrate that you can still finish up on schedule. Grades are also pretty important to the success of the changeover.</p>

<p>Whether you switch to CoE for bioengineering or go to a less related major to pre-med in L&S, you will have to add more courses both to satisfy the additional prereqs of the new major but also to complete both the major and remaining premed list.</p>

<p>I was in the same situation as you although I did manage to get into coe over the summer. The classes you are behind in are pretty much E10 (there is another option for bioE), E7, BioE 24/25, physics 7a etc. To not fall behind even farther, I would take these classes soon and apply as early as possible if you are set on bioE.
The Bioengineering major also has a premed track that fulfills all the med school requirements.
[Pre-Med</a> Concentration](<a href=“]Pre-Med”></p>

<p>If you decide to switch to CS, it would probably be useful you to know that MCB 102 counts towards the CS major ([Technical</a> Electives for CS Majors | EECS at UC Berkeley](<a href=“]Technical”>CS Major Upper Division Degree Requirements | EECS at UC Berkeley))</p>

<p>Also, another bit of advice, you should upgrade to Mario Kart Wii.</p>