Help - question about minimum requirements

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I just got accepted into UCSD as a transfer student. As you guys know I'm going to have to have completed the 2 english composition courses, 1 math course, and 60 UC transferable credits by the end of this spring term.</p>

<p>However I'm an international student and I'm on a trimester system, a different calendar too. I have no idea how to convert trimester hours into quarter or semester hours. When students transfer to my school semester units are the equivalent of trimester units, so I'm assuming it's the same number of hours. So my first worry is that they'll suddenly tell me I don't have enough units, since I'm on a trimester system (though I made a note of this on my app).</p>

<p>On my application I had put down a literature course as my composition requirement and explained that there is only one English composition course offered at my college, so I tried to take the closest thing possible.</p>

<p>So, I'm so scared that I'll have my admission rescinded because my literature course wan't adequate, and I won't have enough units. I mailed the admissions office and got a personal reply back saying I wouldn't have been accepted without these minimum requirements. Does this mean my literature course was ok and I will have enough units?</p>

<p>Where can I find out about this? Is it difficult to contact an admissions officer directly?
If I wasn't living half way across the globe I'd actually go meet an officer, but I can't do that and I'm worried about what would happen if the Admissions Office doesn't give me a clear answer when I call. : /</p>