Help! Questions about Culverhouse

Hi everyone!! So I’m facing quite a big dilemma currently. I have been accepted to UA on the presidential scholarship as a political science major, and accepted into LSA at the University of Michigan as a political science major as well. However, looking at my future career plans and the fact that I want to go on to law school, I might want to switch into a major more related to business. At Alabama, this will likely be quite easy, whereas everyone knows the Ross School of Business at Michigan is practically impossible to transfer into. So, this draws me to Alabama–but there is one drawback that I worry about. Because of Ross’s ranking and renown, it attracts huge names and recruiters and places many of its students in amazing jobs after graduation such as Google, Nike, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan. I suppose my question is, then, what companies recruit at Alabama? Is the recruitment regional or national? How much will I be passing up if I choose Alabama over Michigan? Please help a girl out–I’m in love with Alabama but I want to do what’s best for my future as well!!

Google, Facebook and Nike recruit on campus. Goldman Sachs takes 3-4 each year from UA in varying departments. So does Barclays, PWC, Deloitte, KPMG–all locations, including NYC. I think you would find very good opportunities assuming that you perform at a very high level during your time at UA. If you truly want to go to law school, you need a very high GPA and very good LSAT scores. Save your money for a high end law school. UA will take care of undergrad for you with an excellent opportunity for leadership, academic and social pursuits with less investment of cost.

Where can I find this info that you’ve provided? I’d like to read more about it!! I just want to be sure I won’t be missing out by not trying to transfer into Ross which can be super tough. What makes it tougher is that Michigan is offering me great financial aid, meaning it would cost about the same. I’m mostly attracted to Alabama because I’m in love with it and the school culture, so I want to be sure I’m not making a foolish decision.

Why not call the Culverhouse career center and ask them? I cannot imagine that either decision you make will be “foolish.” Both are respected state flagships. You can get into law school from either one. I can’t tell you how employer recruiting compares, although my guess would be that Michigan gets more large, national employers. My daughter graduated from Culverhouse and got a job in her field in the location she wanted. It was not with an employer who recruited on campus, though. There’s nothing preventing a motivated student from finding a job with most employers who do not recruit on campus.

I probably shouldn’tve used the word foolish, I just meant I want to make the best choice!! That’s great to hear about your daughter :). Thank you for that tip about calling culverhouse as well.