<p>I'm currently in the process of helping someone transfer from CSULB to UCLA. We're a little bit confused by the wording off of a couple pages through UCLA's website.</p>
<p>I was hoping someone could help us figure out what courses are required to be finished by spring semester before transferring into UCLA and which courses just need to be done period in order to be eligible for the psychology major</p>
<p>She's currently trying to plan out her schedule for next semester and we're trying to make sure we get the classes that absolutely need to be done by spring scheduled and save the ones that just need to be completed before entry for the summer.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>contact the school at [UCLA</a> Undergrad Admissions: Contact Information](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/contactus.htm]UCLA”>Contact Us | UCLA Undergraduate Admission)</p>
<p>And not to be too much of a stickler, but you’re not “helping someone transfer”. You are helping someone apply to transfer. There’s a big difference! Given the state of the economy and the dire warnings issued by the UC administration, transfer admission may be severely affected for the upcoming year. According to an article last month in the Daily Bruin
I hope this doesn’t come to pass, but your friend should definitely be working on plans B & C in case the xfer doesn’t come thru. And even in the best of times, the order of preference is (1) community colleges (2) other UC campuses (3) other 4-year schools – so it’s seldom a slam-dunk.</p>
<p>To enhance the app, complete most (if not all) prep courses: </p>
<p>– GE courses.</p>
<p>– Uni-required courses (math, history, poli sci, english/writing).</p>
<p>[UCLA</a> Undergraduate Admissions and Relations with Schools: Transfer Admission](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/Adm_tr/tradms.htm]UCLA”>Transfer Admission | UCLA Undergraduate Admission)</p>
<p>Prereqs for Psych major.</p>
<p>Preferably, courses taken to-date are IGETC.</p>
<p>[UCLA</a> Undergrad Admissions: Transfer Major Prep - Psychology](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/Adm_tr/lsmajors/psyc-pre.htm]UCLA”>Transfer Preparation Requirements — Psychology* | UCLA Undergraduate Admission)</p>