help! sats or acts for the last time?!

<p>the first time i took the sats were in march 08 and didn't do so well...
CR 520
M 630
W 620</p>

<p>but i took the acts twice already and from the first to the second i jumped 3 points to a 26. and i think i am much more comfortable with the acts over the sats. if i take the acts once more, then i think i can get the score i want. however, i took my sat twos, which means colleges will see my sat score regardless of whether i choose to send my act score. </p>

<p>should i still retake the sats? or stick with the acts? i really dont know!</p>

<p>"i am much more comfortable with the acts over the sats"</p>

<p>You solved your own problem, no one knows you better than you.</p>

<p>but what will colleges think? wouldnt they think that i should've taken the sats again?</p>