Help! Son has more reaches than matches, suggestions welcome

<p>He is interested in physics & music. The super reaches are Univ of Rochester, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell. SATs are 1940: (800 CR, 540 W, 600 M) the 1st time, 2nd time 1970 (730 CR, 630 W, 630 M). Some of the schools superscore, so his SAT would be 2060. He is Hispanic & was awarded the NHRP. GPA is 3.59 with an upward swing in his grades from year to year. He is taking 4 AP's this year & an independent study in music. </p>

<p>Other schools that he is applying to are Tulane, UMass, Boston University. Arizona State (Tempe), Case Western Reserve. </p>

<p>I guess I am writing this because I am afraid he will get a lot of rejections. </p>

<p>Another question: he is due to take the SAT II soon. He has study guides from 2007 & 8 for them. Are they still current, or should we spring for 2013?</p>

<p>Suggestions of other less competitive schools good in physics & music Would be helpful. Thanks.</p>

<p>You’ll probably get more responses if you repost this in the College Search and Selection forum.</p>

<p>^More, yes. Better informed for a Hispanic applicant? Questionable. </p>

<li><p>Have you read the Resources sticky thread about Hispanic Applicants & College Admissions? If he is not disadvantaged, attend an underserved HS, low income, etc., then he is unlikely to gain a large bump from being a Hispanic student at selective colleges that get many URM candidates. </p></li>
<li><p>Where are you a resident?</p></li>
<li><p>In your post you are talking about admission reaches, what about finances? Do you qualify for need based FA, what are you able to pay, will you be able to afford a private without strong FA or merit scholarships?</p></li>
<li><p>Most schools will be more than adequate for an UG degree in physics, music is more specific and you might want to ask on the Music Major forum.</p></li>

<p>Thanks Entomom. He is unlikely to receive FA. My question was about admission reaches. Looks like he won’t get much of a bump for being Hispanic. I will suggest to him that he expand his list. His school has Naviance, & that shows BU, Tulane & UMass to be matches. I’ll suggest he expand to include another state university. Cornell was legacy, but a huge reach nonetheless.</p>

<p>Interesting… he’s scoring much higher in the CR than math but interested in physics/music.
If you are seriously interested in Carnegie Mellon, ED will give a boost in acceptance. My (Hispanic) S got accepted ED with 800 CR and 700 M (3.6 GPA at application) but in the CFA not in anything math based (which physics certainly will be). Only do ED if you are sure he wants to attend. ED is binding.</p>

<p>Also, CMU does not factor in freshman grades which if he is in upward trend might help him out.</p>

<p>Lawrence is strong in physics and music, and looks to be a match. They also give pretty good merit aid, and as a Hispanic student may do well with that. It is not much like the other schools on his list (small Midwestern LAC), but one to consider.</p>

<p>A good physics education can be had in many schools. The questions he needs to ask are whether there is a compatible music program available and whether there are good opportunities for research.</p>