<p>Incoming freshman...Some type of bio major probably, intended MCB as of right now...</p>
<p>Set courses for fall 08: Math 1A, Chem 1A, Seminar (Waitlisted for that) [Total is 10 units, provided I get in...btw what are the chances of that?]</p>
<p>Now for the blanks...I would like to get Physics 8A in, but there's some restriction that's not letting me sign up. I found Education 190's description a bit intriguing and it satisfies a breadth, though I read in another topic there's some procedure on the first day of class...:O. Lastly, music theory could be fine too.</p>
<p>Is this alright for first sem? And what would taking Physics along with Math and Chem be like? (Didn't get to take physics in HS, b/c school wouldn't let me take two "popular" science courses at the same time...grr)</p>