help!! transfer to UCLA

<p>There are two major req. classes that my community college does not offer. So I cannot complete my major req. in community college. Is that Ok? or not?</p>

<p>apply to UCLA (math/econ)
GPA 3.9</p>

<p>When I spoke to a transfer counselor at my CCC, he told me some of the UCs are fine with a major prereq. or two left unfinished, unless it's a competitive major. I'm not applying to an impacted major like yours (Philosophy), but I was told that if I wanted to go to UCI with a few prereqs missing, I would probably be able to get in anyway. For the impacted majors, they usually want to see that you're absolutely seriously and are finishing those classes (especially taking them early, i.e. before applying).</p>

<p>Having said all that, I'm still not sure what happens when the school itself doesn't offer the class in the first place. Can't you enroll at another community college to take these courses?</p>

<p>I would also try contacting the school and getting their opinion on this. A counselor might be of some help, too.</p>

<p>Edit: Also, according to [url=<a href=""&gt;]ASSIST[/url&lt;/a&gt;]... "Listed below are the lower division preparation courses for the major. You should complete as many preparation courses as possible prior to transferring,
based on the availability of courses."</p>

<p>They can't hold you responsible for what your school doesn't offer. As long as you finish everything that they DO offer, you're fine. </p>

<p>A good example of this is with comm this year. Several people in my orientation group didn't have some of the most basic pre-reqs done b/c their schools didnt offer them. Now, comm is one of the most impacted majors at UCLA, and pre-req completion is stressed HEAVILY. However, many of those people still got in, because again, it's not their fault that the CC didn't offer the classes. </p>

<p>Just make sure to finish everything you can and to maintain that gpa.</p>

<p>In some cases some of the pre-reqs for your major may need to be taken here. In my case (History) there was a single class which they required me to take here in order to be admitted into the major.</p>

<p>^Yeah, you need to finish any of the pre-reqs that your CC didn't offer once you get here.</p>

<p>But, am I still competitive without complete pre req.?</p>

<p>UCLA (Math/Econ)
GPA 3.9</p>

<p>rob_rob, which two courses you are not able to take? I am applying to UCLA with the same major as yours. My college does not have discrete math and C++ programming. actually, ASSiST says "No course articulated". I have no idea whether I have to complete these two at other colleges.</p>

<p>Yeah, it doesn't affect you if you cannot complete the courses. I promise that UCLA knows exactly which classes your school offers and what they don't. It won't be held against you. Say, for instance, that there are 7 pre-reqs for your major, and your school only offers 5. If you complete all 5, you'll be on par with someone who's school offered all 7 which they were able to complete. They only measure you against what you're offered. I mean, there are some situations where a school only offered 2 or 3 pre-reqs for a major that required quite a few more. As long as the students there completed what was available to them, their chances were as good as anyone's.</p>

<p>Yeah you're very competitive. Also like I said, in some cases it's mandatory that you take the classes here.</p>

<p>Nofeelingx, they are two which my college does not offer, either. So I’m thinking to take them at another college before I transfer to UC.</p>

<p>hey allena the class you are talking about is History 97 huh.
I'm hopefully gonna go there next year and will be a history major as well. How is history 97 going. i hear it is a seminar. is there any tests. anything like that. thanks for whatever reply you can give me.</p>