Help: UCD or UCSD

<p>oops, i shld read through everything b4 replying the 1st thread...</p>

<p>i'm also wondering what special reason(s) made the op choose ucd rather than ucsd which sounds odd... anyway congratulations...</p>

<p>couldve been major, the cows, who knows?</p>

<p>? I'm from Norcal. Never been to either from education. But I thought UCD is better than UCSD academically? So easy decision right?</p>

<p>they're comparable academically. each has its strengths and weaknesses. but in terms of having a good time in college, i would choose ucd, no question about it.</p>

<p>She also visited the campus and fell in love with it. :-P Not to mention, it's much more active/spirited than UCSD is.
I agree that UCD will top UCSD soon.</p>