Help understanding schedule options

<p>Looking at Honors Biology 118. How do I interpret this list?
The first section seems to have a MWF then a W again…The others only list 1 day of the week. And is the 13:00 mean 1:00?
Mom of Freshman and a lot overwhelmed!</p>

<p>Sections: Term Crn Section Seats Open Meeting Times
Fall 2012 47122 001 1 (out of 30) M W F<br>
13:00 - 13:50
17:00 - 18:50
47123 002 0 (out of 10) Tu<br>
09:30 - 12:15
47124 003 0 (out of 10) Tu<br>
12:30 - 15:15
47125 004 1 (out of 10) Tu<br>
15:30 - 18:15
47126 005 0 (out of 0) Th<br>
09:30 - 12:15
48008 006 0 (out of 0) Th<br>
12:30 - 15:15</p>

<p>Son is biology major.
Bringing in AP Bio credit… it transfers to Bio 108 for non science majors
Dual Enrollment Physics…It transfers to Phy115 for non science majors.
Does that mean we transfer in the credit and it just becomes “extra” electives?</p>

<p>Extra Weds is recitation which is used for extra things. The one day of the week is for lab-,you choose what time works for you. You have to make sure you have all times available on your schedule.</p>

<p>ParkTN, the listing you posted shows only 1 seat available, and that’s for lab section 004 (and, correspondingly, the lecture section 001). The listing also indicates that the lecture section accommodates a max of 30 students, the lab sections a max of 10. “Crn” refers to the course number.</p>

<p>And yes, 13:00=1p.m.</p>

<p>The lising is showing that only one seat is available, but that’s not probably really true. that’s a frosh class, so seats are being held back for Bama Bound. Just checked…yes, that lecture class will have classes added for the Bama Bound dates. </p>

<p>Nearly all colleges use a 24 hour clock so you’ve guessed right that 13:00 is 1:00 pm</p>

<p>As mentioned above, you first select the lecture/recitation class…and then you select the lab time that works for the schedule. Labs are much, much smaller in size, hence the need to offer many sections. </p>

<p>If your son’s bio and physics credits transferred in as the sciences for non-majors/nursing majors, then yes, the credits will just sit on his transcripts since those aren’t the right classes for bio majors. Did he get a 3 on his AP bio exam? If so, that’s why he got credit for the class that he did.</p>

<p>If your son is pre-med, then he probably would be taking Principals of Bio again anyway since med schools don’t accept AP science credits.</p>

<p>Dual Enrollment Physics…It transfers to Phy115 for non science majors.</p>

<p>Can you clarify. Was the DE class the Physics for science majors? if so, I would ask why it’s transferring that way. Was this class in coordination with a local university? Which one and what number did it have there?</p>

<p>UA only uses the 24-hour clock for lab schedules. Even then, the times are often converted to the 12-hour clock to match myBama, signs, and UA’s official timekeeping program.</p>

<p>Also that for most of UA, Tuesday is T and Thursday is R (Saturday and Sunday are often both S but sometimes S and Su, respectively).</p>

<p>The dual-enrollment physics course transferring as PH 115 makes sense, especially if the course was taken in another state and different topics are taught in the course. I took a dual enrollment chemistry course and it transferred as CH 104, which is Chemistry for Nursing [and HES] Majors.</p>

<p>It may be easier for you to search for courses using myBama. When doing so, select the advanced search option rather than choosing a department/subject right off so you can see more courses at once.</p>

<p>The Honors Bio class listed meets MWF at !:00 and also Wed at 5:00.
Then you choose a section from the list for labs on top of that.</p>

<p>I realize honors classes can be hard to get, but is it wise to take advantage of more than one if available. Honors Bio and Honors Calculus? Is the work load/ grading system much more demanding thatn the regular sections?</p>

<p>I don’t think the work load is more time-consuming. My kids have taken as many honors versions as they could fit in their schedules.</p>

<p>Our high school offered the Dual Enrollment Physics through Lipscomb university. I went on the Lipscomb page and found what class they consider it, then went to Bama page to see the tranfer. I feel confident that I have the Phyics 115 right. Sort of bummed that it won’t apply to the degree. That was one reason for his taking the tougher section this year in High School.
He made a 5 on AP Bio exam but being pre-med I understand that it has to be retaken.
AP Caluculus will also have to be retaken.(no score available yet on it).</p>

<p>Also have a weird situation with the English. AP English he got a 4.
This year the AP lit was offered as both AP and/or Dual Enrollment(same class). If Im reading the transfer information correctly, a high score on the AP Exam would give him one Humanities class. But the Dual Enrollment from Lipscomb could actually transfer in as 2 humanities classes.
Curious to see how that works out.</p>

<p>He made a 5 on AP Bio exam but being pre-med I understand that it has to be retaken.
AP Caluculus will also have to be retaken.(no score available yet on it).

<p>??? If he got a 5 on the AP Bio exam then it doesn’t transfer as Bio 108 for non-science majors. That is only if he got a 3. </p>

<p>Since he got a 5, he gets credit for Principals of Bio I and II …that’s the ones for majors. I suggest that he retake Bio I, but use the AP credits for Bio II (plants and boring stuff). His other bio classes for his major will work for pre-med…like BioChem, Genetics, Cell Bio, etc. </p>

<p>Why will he have to retake Calculus???</p>

<p>He would totally agree if there is a way to skip plant Bio he would do it.
I will check on the AP Bio transfer. Interesting.</p>

<p>Honors mentioned that many Med schools won’t accept AP Calc.
He really enjoyed Calc in High School, excellent teacher with only 4 very academic kids in class. I don’t think it will be a problem at all to redo. </p>

<p>We are doing Bama Bound next week, I guess it will all make sense after that. I was simply trying to help him create a list of possible classes.</p>

<p>If he likes the subject matter of Cal II, I’d have him take that. Or, see if med schools will accept Stats if you took AP Cal. But, retaking Cal I is fine as well. </p>

<p>Yes, the AP credits for a 5 in bio is credit for both Bio classes for science majors. </p>

<p>Biology 4 BSC 114, 115, 116 and 117 8 N</p>