Help! When will I hear from them??

<p>Hi ppl I am an auto admit by right with 25% ranking and SAT Math+CR=1400+; But I haven't heard from them yet. I knew most of the auto admits are supposed to hear back from them this week but nothing happened to me yet. I am an international and applied on 6th August and documents turned in on 26th August. Is it because I don't qualify for an auto admit or is it simply because I applied late and will hear from them later? </p>

<p>I am very worried and hope you guys could help me.</p>

<p>Thank you very much</p>

<p>I haven’t read any posts yet saying anyone has been notified. It’s still REALLY early. This is normal.</p>

<p>Oh, ok…just saw the posts. I STILL wouldn’t he worried! Those folks are local. It might take longer for the international students. Call admissions. They were always helpful when we called last year.</p>

<p>Thanks cromette for being always so helpful! I have heard from some ppl that those applying in early sept will be notified around early oct. Hope that’s true and in the maenwhile guess I need to be patient. Thanks again for your help! ;)))</p>

<p>Yes we have been notified. Now on step 5 and the PDF version of the letter is online in the documents tab. It states admission and other data.</p>

<p>Hi Kldat1 I don’t really understand what you mean. Maybe you can tell me when you applied?</p>

<p>Step 5? there are only 4 steps on my AIS…I think something is terribly wrong with my application…should I call them??</p>

<p>aggiewannabe122, I have been following all the posts but usually don’t reply. First relax,this is still early in the process. Remember most kids still have not applied or have even taken their final SATs or ACTs yet. I am a Mom,who already has one son at A&M and my second son has just applied. He applied 8/8 and all papers were processed on 8/15. He should be an auto academic admin. We are still on step 3</p>

<p>I really appreciate your help!!! I hope your son could get into his major successfully. Thank your for your encouraging comment and best of luck!</p>

<p>I know that you are on pins and needles waiting, same here:/ Best of Luck to you also!</p>

<p>Step 5 is “Respond to Admission Decision”. </p>

<p>My son applied on 8/18 and was an academic admit. In the Correspondence tab at the bottom of the Applicant page there is a PDF document of the Acceptance letter. The letter lists the major such as Engineering and the preference inside engineering. I’m not sure if the departments in A&M other than engineering have preferences or not.</p>

<p>As stated above it is still early in the admission process.</p>