<p>Some universities require you to indicate on the application and write essays based on which college you are interested in...but what if I have not decided what college I want to go to? I kind of have a general idea of where i want to go (Sciences, Engineering, or Business), but can I change my mind?</p>
<p>Ah, it sounds like you’re talking about Cornell or Georgetown kind of universities, where they have separate colleges.
None of any students are sure at this point – last year, like you, I only knew that I was interested in history/philosophy kinda stuff and not business or engineering, so I ended up applying to school of arts and sciences. At this point, you can only guess – what do you like? You’ll have to choose a college out of the university that you think you’ll fit in/find your major the best. Most univs that have the separate college system usually let students cross-register for classes very easily, so you can take something else from another school. If you think the school you end up at is just not your cup of tea, you can always transfer. I know deciding might be hard now, but you’ve got a few more months before EA/RD deadline – think about what you like. good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks, I decided to go with engineering, cuz that way I can easily transfer to sciences if i wanted to.</p>