HELP with Algebra I

So this summer I’ve been doing algebra I so that I could do geometry the next year(going into eight grade). Because I’m doing this at my own pace, I’m having a kinda hard time motivating myself now that I’ve pulled off quite the procrastination job. I was just wondering if anyone here, had a similar situation, and what did you do for motivation, or is there anything that helps with the math work? Because I really really want to do geometry (because it’s just… Fun)
Thanks :wink:

Well, I just took a geometry class. I think you should take a class or hire a tutor. It was not an option for me to self study since we need the geometry A/B credit to graduate. I don’t think I could motivate myself without someone there tbh. Maybe study with a friend?

I did the same thing last year and this year (last year with Algebra 2 and this year with Physics and Calculus). The motivation (after doing 60% of the work in physics and 25% in Calc in 3 weeks and procrastinating for another 3) was a) the work being due today and b) not wasting my parents’ money c) not wasting my time. So, I worked my butt off and I’ve finished one course, the other is 95% done (final exam to complete) and then I’m pretty much done.

Plus, thinking of how good summer classes look on one’s transcript.

[Math is Fun]( is a good place to go. I use it all the time. Good luck!

Thanks for the help :smiley: