Help with dorms/scholarship info

<p>So I am deciding UA is my main school and am going to be sending in my dorm choices soon. Can people give me the best dorms to live in for the best college experience? [I have never partied in high school, but am very social and look to go to parties] I would like the dorms with the most going on in them, size of rooms aren’t a big issues, but in reality the bigger the better.</p>

<p>Also, I received a 3k a year scholarship for the Arizona Excellence Award [12k total for 4 years].
In the scholarship info online, it says you can get from 2k-14k total scholarship. Is this each year or in total, like do you get 14k maximum over 4 years or every year. I just want to know this too see where my scholarship falls under, to see how good of one I received.</p>

<p>Thanks so much, any other information that will help me feel more confident about UA would be appreciated!</p>

<p>Congratulations on your scholarship! I believe your award is for $3,000 each year for a total of $12,000 over four years. The school awards varying amounts of scholarship money to students depending on the student’s stats - GPA, Test Scores, Class rank as well as other criteria. Some students are awarded $14,000 each year while others receive smaller amounts down to $2,000. I’m not sure of what system UA uses to decide who gets what amount.</p>

<p>Did you receive your scholarship award with your letter of admission? If so, when were you admitted? You are the first poster on the UA thread to mention a scholarship award.
Would you be willing to share your stats so others who are hoping for scholarship funding can get an idea where they stand. </p>


<p>Ha! I can help with the dorm side of the info!</p>

<p>If you get accepted into honors, go for Yavapai for sure – it’s filled with pretty intelligent people, and they’re the most social of all the honors dorms by far. Avoid Posada San Pedro. That’s where I am, and I’m lucky to see two people on any given day. No one leaves their doors open or talks to people.</p>

<p>For non-honors, I suggest Coconino. Sort of a party dorm, but the least party-y of the lot. Lots of sorority girls, but plenty of them are decent. Gila is also nice. Avoid Coronado and AZ-SO like the plague if you’re not into parties.</p>

<p>As far as the scholarship goes… If I’m understanding your question, then yes, you’ll get whatever this year’s amount is 4 times over. (If you get $4k, for example, you’ll end up with $16k total during undergrad.) The higher number for scholarships ($14k) tends to go to out of state students. I don’t know many people from in-state who got that award, so I couldn’t compare.</p>

<p>Thanks for your response.
Do you know if I send my SAT Subject test scores, new ACT scores, and a transcript with updated grades [up to first semester of senior year], if that will raise my scholarship?</p>

<p>My stats were,
Indian Male
Out of State [Washington]
Accepted 3 weeks after transcripts were sent.[November 18,2009]
3.02 GPA[2.3 Freshman year, 3.0 Sophomore, 3.72 Junior]
Took AP Biology, US History, Language and Composition Junior year [Block schedule at my school only 4 periods]. Also did community college courses for half of the day.
1610 SAT [ 550 Math, 540 CR, 520 Writing]
24 ACT
Key Club VP
Deca President
Tons of Community Service
Quiznos [June 08-July 09]
Century Theaters [January 09-Current]
2 Great letters of recommendation</p>

<p>My scholarship was a smaller amount, but anything helps.
Hopefully they will look at my new test scores/GPA.</p>

<p>Does anyone have help with what dorms to pick? I chose

  1. Villa Del Puente
  2. Arizona/Sonora
  3. Colonia De La Paz
  4. Coronado
  5. Pueblo De La Cienega</p>

<p>Thanks for sharing your info. Did you receive your scholarship offer with your letter of admission or did you receive it in the last few days? What are you planning to major in?
Has anyone else been notified of a scholarship award from UA for Fall 10 admission?</p>

<p>It’s not very hard to raise your scholarship here, I’ve noticed. I had to resubmit some stuff to get my correct scholarship (originally got $8k or so for Wildcat, was corrected because I’m National Hispanic), but most of my friends just sent extra info to raise Wildcat awards, which I imagine work the same as yours.</p>

<p>As for the dorms:</p>

<li>Villa Del Puente: Don’t know much about the people, but the one friend I have there likes it. Very nice rooms and a beautiful building. It’s identical to my building, at least, and it’s beautiful in here.</li>
<li>Arizona/Sonora: Carries more of a party dorm reputation. I wouldn’t recommend it at all – that’s where my roommate just transferred out of, and she was absolutely miserable. </li>
<li>Colonia De La Paz: BEAUTIFUL DORM. I’m a bit biased – they host a drag show every year that I love to go to. :P</li>
<li>Coronado: My girlfriend lives in there, and she enjoys it. Lots of sorority girls, but it doesn’t seem too noisy or unruly. Lots of socialization. Fair bit of drinking, but that’s true for most of the dorms. The rooms are pretty nice.</li>
<li>Pueblo De La Cienega: Also nice rooms (identical to my dorm – if you want, I can get pics to you sometime). Don’t know anyone in there, but I haven’t noticed many problems from them…</li>

<p>I received it on the actual admission letter.
And I was accepted to the Karl Eller College of Management Pre-Business program.</p>

<p>hey I just came back from my visit to UA
and I fell in love with the school
so that will probalby be the school I will be attending starting this fall</p>

<p>I also got that Arizona Excellence Scholarship
I got 4k and a macbook</p>

<p>Info/help please.
My son is a grad student but sister asked me to help get info for her son.
He is interested because of the scholarship for Hispanic Scholars. We are from CA, but do live several hours away from each other.</p>

<p>I am wondering how he would fit it. I don’t live close enough to really know nephew, but I think he would need encouragement to join groups and activities. Do dorms have activities where students are urged/pushed to participate. Would it be very easy to stay in room and never socialize? Does Univ require freshman seminars?</p>

<p>Thanks for any info, including merit aid experiences.</p>


<p>lamom: UA is pretty open about getting involved. There are tons of opportunities, but it’s not as though the school actively forces students into anything. If he were in a dorm, they’d have weekly (or so) activities like movie nights and hall council meetings to sit in on. There are a number of club fairs during the year. (Actually, I help to organize a few of them. Send him my way and I could work wonders, haha.) No freshman seminars are required, but the Honors College has a number of classes focused for freshman. If he gets in, he’d probably get into the Paladins program, which has classes of 10-12, which go over time management, dealing with stress, getting into clubs, etc. </p>

<p>A warning, though: I have had 2 roommates so far so never left the room. (Well, my current one leaves sometimes to get drunk.) Any university makes it possible to never leave the room or socialize, but there are so many people and things to do that he’ll find something sooner or later. But I’m really not kidding about sending him my way – if he does come here, feel free to send me a message and I could either list places to recommend him to or else help find out a specific club to refer him to.</p>

<p>Dear AtomicCafe
Thanks, you sound a bit like my son. Always ready to help and inform others about his school.
Will pass on your info.</p>

<p>hi, can someone tell me how did you guys apply for the arizona excellence award. thanks</p>

<p>Hi Tiny,</p>

<p>I get the feeling you’d get more responses to your questions if you started a new topic. Anyway, you don’t actually apply for the scholarship; the application is included in your application to the university, and you get notice about it with your acceptance letter.</p>

<p>oh cool, so just by filling in the app im automatically considered for the scholarship? And how long does the admission process usually take because i just cant wait:p :slight_smile: thanks again</p>

<p>I remember applying in October and being accepted before winter break, I think. It’s rolling admissions, and I don’t remember it taking long at all.</p>

<p>VDP & La Cienega are the nicest & are really new. The only annoying part about VDP is that it is motel-style…so there isn’t a hallway…it’s all outdoors…which it’s cool-looking, but kind of weird & nobody wants to leave their doors open. AZSO/Coronado are pretty crazy, so if you don’t like smelling weed & loud people during quiet hours…room there. I’ve also heard that Manzi-Mo rooms are TINY. Stadium dorms are HUGE, awesome location for game-day, and across from our NEWWWWW rec (just opened in January…it is AWESOME), but it is a little far from where some of your classes may be…no big though…learn to longboard or bring a bike =]</p>