Questions from a prospective student

Hey guys, so I just applied to UA due to the fact that I didn’t get into my first choice school (Cal Poly SLO). I heard UA is a great school, but I only waited this long to apply because I was really set on CP SLO. I still have applications out at UC Santa Cruz and UC Riverside, so those and UA are my three options at this point.

Some questions I have pertain to financial aid and scholarships. I am OOS (I’m from SoCal), so tuition is pretty steep if I do decide to go to UA. My question was will I know how much money I get (financial aid, scholarships, etc.) before I commit to going?

Also, when it comes to dorms, is it first come first serve at UA? I know I am late in the game and I have seen threads where people have already chosen their dorms. Since I may not commit until early April, will my dorm selection be really limited? I want to get into one of the nicer dorms, and I don’t mind paying more for those, but if they aren’t available then I’m kind of screwed.

Also, if anyone has any experience with the MIS program I’d love to hear how it went because that’s what I’m thoroughly interested in.

@sirlaz My son applied in-state to UA last fall and was accepted pretty quickly. He got his scholarship information shortly after that. His financial aid information came out last month. This late in the process, I don’t know how long it might take to get all the information you want. But almost all colleges give you until May 1 to make your decision, so you should have the information by then from all the colleges that you need to make your final decision.

Have you applied to ASU? They also have a lot of Californian students. ASU has a scholarship estimator you could estimate your net cost before financial aid. ASU’s MIS program is ranked in the top 20 by US News.

@Beaudreau‌ thanks for the response. Another question I had was are freshman allowed to have cars on campus?