Help With My Schedule

<p>This year, I'm a sophomore, my grades/classes are like:
H. Alg II: A+
H. Chem: A
AP Euro: B+
AP Art History: B+/A-
H. English: A-
H. Latin: A
Theology: Irrelevant</p>

<p>So you get the gist that I'm more of a math/science person than history and english. I have nearly killed myself working for my B+ in AP Euro and put almost no effort into any of my other classes except Art History. So here are my schedule options and please take into account that I would like at least 4 hours of sleep a night and I also want to get into competitive colleges:</p>

H. Precalc
H. Physics
H. US History
AP English
H. Latin
AP Stat</p>

H. Precalc
H. Physics
H. US History
AP English
H. Latin
AP Bio</p>

H. Precalc
AP Bio
AP English
H. Latin
AP Stats</p>

<p>D (the killer)
H. Precalc
AP Bio
AP English
H. Latin
AP Stats

H. Precalc
AP Bio
AP English
H. Latin
Some random art class

<p>Sorry it's so long, but I really need advice. APUSH has a reputation for being especially hard along with AP Bio.</p>

<p>Sorry, but D.</p>

<p>Need that challenge! :D</p>

<p>I like D. Especially cuz it’s ur junior year</p>

<p>blahh, I know in the back of my mind that’s what I should do but I was thinking maybe, just maybe, people would be like “ohhh, you don’t need that many AP’s”…hahaha.
I guess if I wanted that kind of an answer I shouldn’t post on CC</p>

<p>It’s kinda hard to read the differences between the schedules (basically all H precalc/AP english/H Latin).</p>

<p>I say A.</p>

<p>But in reality, I (and others) are just random people on the internet. Heed with care.</p>

<p>I’d go with D.</p>