
<p>I need some opinions and I need them fairly quickly. I am getting ready to do my graduate journalism degree. I've been accepted to Syracuse and Ohio, among others. Syracuse is offering me no aid but they have a great professional master's program that could likely help me springboard towards my ultimate goal of being a sports writer. Ohio is offering me a full scholarship but they are a research-based, not professional, master's program. I'm really unsure. I like Syracuse better for the program but I like the idea of having less debt when I'm done. Any thoughts on the right way to go?</p>

<p>Why are you going to grad school in the first place?</p>

<p>Graduating with a lot of debt is a bad idea, especially in a field with notoriously low pay like journalism. Attending a grad school that isn’t geared toward actually getting you in the field also doesn’t really seem like a good idea in an industry that values experience.</p>

<p>Can you get grants and scholarships quickly? That would minimize your debt or possibly take care of your tuition expenses. You do not want massive student loan debt. I learned the hard way.</p>

<p>I think you should apply to other universities and try to get an assistantship. It will pay everything and you get an additional salary for other purposes such as living expenses, food, transportation, etc.</p>

<p>Seeing how you want to be a sports writer, this makes my job a whole lot easier. Did you apply to Southern California. This place is great for that. Apply to Specialized Journalism. And you’d have a chance to get an internship at ESPN.</p>

<p>Also check out Miami. They have an award winning program called Sports Desk. It will get you used to a “Sportscenter” type setting.</p>

<p>Trust me, I am trying to do the same thing.</p>

<p>Research based programs will be of little use to you. You need to find skills based programs which is what i’m trying to do.</p>

<p>Chances are a skills based program will accept you and give you an assistantship, especially if they want you really bad.</p>