<p>I attended SSAT on dec 13.
here is my score:
MATH 800 99%
VERBAL 653 47%
how do you think about this score?
i think maybe i should retake ssat on january 10.
thank U</p>
<p>yes I think you should retake.</p>
<p>Are you living in the US or are you living in China? are you native-Chinese or foreigner living in China? Those make a difference! is English your first language? Has it been the main language of instruction at your school for three years or more? Well you should give us the score for reading and overall in order to tell SOMETHING…</p>
<p>Reply to binhnguyen2907
I am a native-Chinese , so English is my second language.
and my reading score is 653(50%)
my overall score is 2106.</p>
<p>in addition, most high schools tell me that they pay attention to 2 sections (MATH AND VERBAL) in SSAT. campared with reading, they will pay more attention on my TOEFL test.</p>
<p>Hmm this is weird. Yes I know what you meant coz I’m international myself. While most of the schools told me they would look more at my Math score in SSAT and my TOEFL, that doesn’t mean we needn’t do great on the other two sections. Yep I think your score is fine for an international student (talking from my previous experience), but if you’re applying to those top-tier schools like A/E, your overall should be in the 70%s at the minimum (that, with an outstanding Math score). But anyway, the higher your score is, the better chance you have because, remember: there are always outstanding Korean and Thai and Chinese applicants out there who score in the 90s of SSAT and 110+ of TOEFL…</p>
<p>actually, my overoll score is in 70%.
But score in the 90s of SSAT and 110+ of TOEFL,well, that is almost perfect.
And i want to go to the boarding school which is in about TOP50. you know, i do not need to find a best school, but a school which suits me best.</p>
<p>what grade are applying for? have you taken TOEFL?</p>
<p>i agree with binhnguyen2907–your score is fine as an international student
i got even less than you last year and still got waitlisted at some of the top-tier schools
i dont think they care about SSAT that much. just try to work hard on your essay and recs
but yeah… if money is not a problem and you are willing to take it again then definitely do</p>
<p>TO agara
3Q for your explanation!
i am applying for the 11th grade.
i have taken toefl, but the score is only 80+.
what do you mean by the top-tier schools? which schools ?
if one school’s average ssat scorn is 75%, and i am only a bit lower than this percentage.
will it be serious?</p>
<p>raytecz: Those will be a match! No need to worry about them. Well in the case your SSAT is not very high I suggest that you re-take TOEFL, not SSAT because Math is the only thing they will pay attention to in your SSAT (the other things are still considered, but not very important). You should score over 100 for TOEFL, but in the 90s is fine though.</p>
<p>Yes I agree with agara too. Last year as my SSAT was only 51% I got waitlisted at some schools and that surprised me (I didn’t think I could get in)… Just work hard on your essays, polish your uniqueness. I think that would do.</p>
<p>I would retake the SSAT if I were you … </p>
<p>BUT if you do manage to improve here is something you should know:</p>
<p>Hotchkiss has the best Chinese course (in non-Chinese schools of course) in the country hands down. For more than 100 years Hotchkiss has brought students from China to the school and there still is a special “Chinese Connection”. In fact over 1/4 of all US ambassadors to china went to Hotchkiss (including the current Ambassador). So Old Hotchkiss boys can get the very best Chinese teachers from China to go to Hotchkiss.</p>
<p>Also Due to Hotchkiss’ position as the pre-eminent business school in the world many Chinese tycoons have brought their kids to Hotchkiss such as the founder of Ming Cosmetics (who is a Hotchkiss grad), and another Chinese alum who founded CNet.com and download.com .</p>
<p>Many students, both Chinese and a large number of non-Chinese students, are taking the Chinese course. Furthermore there are numerous Chinese and Korean individuals at Hotchkiss. I came from Malaysia myself. I have to say coming to Hotchkiss was the best move of my life. I think that there are more Chinese here at Hotchkiss than at my old international school in Malaysia and Brunei (percentage wise anyways).</p>
<p>to binhnguyen2907: i haven’t so much time. so ,the result is that i can retake my SSAT,but not TOEFL. Anyway, i will try to do my best in the next ssat test. thank you very much.</p>
<p>prezomar :your adivice is really great. but the problem is that my score is not excellent.(Although i can do well on my maths, verbal is still very difficuly for me.)and secondly,you know that i am a native chinese. if I take the Chinese course in high school,will it influence my universitys’ application? because ,you know, as a chinese , taking a chinese course is not challenged.</p>
<p>take it again and make sure to study root words. learn and memorize tons and tons of words</p>
<p>I agree with whoever said that if money is not a problem, take it again. Good luck with your test if you take it again. Don’t worry about cramming at the last minute. It doesn’t work. I hope you do well.</p>
<p>What was your agreggate?
Overall Percentile</p>
<p>dude your percentile really depends on which schools you are applying.</p>
<p>well i was lookin for andover, sps and stuff, and eventhough english is my third lang,</p>
<p>they told me that they will be looking for over 90% (overall)</p>
<p>dude your percentile may be good or bad depending on which schools are applying</p>
<p>I am an international myself and english is my third lang. and these top schools wanted </p>
<p>an overall percentile higher than 95% because of the international student quartile.</p>
<p>so yeah it really depends on which schools.</p>
<p>also i think the competition among the chinese students is pretty intense so you should definitely retake it.</p>
<p>what did you get in toefl?? if you did toefl really really well then its ok for you to get a bit lower in ssat.</p>
<p>helpmeoutman, where did you find out that the top schools want an overall percentile that’s higher than 95% for int’l students?</p>
<p>Forget about it! 95% for int’l is ridiculous…</p>