<p>I am a rising senior in NC
I have visited UNC-Ch, Georgia Tech, and Duke</p>
<p>I like GT and UNC and i think Duke is a farrrrr reach
I also have backups as ECU and NCSU
but I really want to get into UNC or GT</p>
<p>What are my chances? :X</p>
<p>3.04 UWGpa--------4.11 WGpa (I know they are really low; I screwed up freshman year)
Class rank 192/600 (Top 35%) My school is really competitive</p>
<p>SAT: (Taking again this October)
Total:1910 </p>
<p>AP Classes Taken:</p>
<p>World History (4)
US History (4)
English Lit (3)
Environmental Science (3)</p>
<p>Will take senior year:</p>
European History
English Language</p>
<p>Key Club (9-12)
Orchestra (7-12)
Asian Culture Club (9-12)
Future Scientists (9-12)
Asian Symphony orchestra (2006-2011 and continuing)
Regional Orchestra (11,12)
Chuch Orchestra (11)
Varsity Mens Indoor track (10-11)
Varsity Mens Outdoor track (10-11)
Summer Volunteer at a Non Profit Organization
I have been playing the violin since 3rd grade</p>
<p>Pleaseeee Help me out! </p>
<p>im asian :(</p>
<p>helpppp pl00000x</p>
<p>I got designer shades just to cova my face
<p>Hello. There is a very large discrepancy between your weighted and unweighted GPAs, but I guess that this just points to a rigorous courseload, which I can see you have. 8 AP courses will look very good to these colleges. You seem to have a lot of extracurricular activities, especially in music. It would be good to add these to your essays and bring them up during potential interviews. Make sure you get good recommendations, perhaps from a music teacher. Your SAT scores are already competitive for Georgia Tech, but if you can bring them up a little, they will be competitive for Chapel Hill. You will need to raise them significantly to bring them in the average range for Duke. I believe that your best shot for Duke is to focus on all of your musical extracurriculars and the passion you feel for it. Your course rigor will also benefit you. Be prepared for the SATs when you next take them and consider taking some SAT II Tests, possibly history and english based upon the courses you have taken, as they will be very similar to the AP exam. Right now, I would say that you have a very high chance of getting into ECU and NCSU, and are competitive for Georgia Tech. If you can raise you SAT scores, you should also be competitive for Chapel Hill and possibly even Duke if you raise them high enough. You just have to prepare for it. Good luck. Pleas give me feedback.</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/983383-carnegie-mellon-chance.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/983383-carnegie-mellon-chance.html</a></p>
<p>hey thanks alot!
il be sure to post results</p>
<p>you gave me hope 
i thought I wasnt going to get into college