Hidden gem nursing schools?

@rushedmom I don’t know anything about Arkansas, I will have to look into it!

@Magnetron I loved Seattle U! I will look into PLU… Thanks!

There may be many direct entry programs, but not at the higher ranked universities…

Actually it varies by the area of the country. Most all of the “top-ranked” Nursing Programs in the Northeast (Penn, BC, PSU, Rutgers, Northeastern, Delaware, Pitt, UMass, UVM, NYU, TCNJ, etc.) are direct entry.

Have you visited the brand new Michigan nursing school? It opened just a few months ago. In state tuition for you, excellent financial aid, and state of the art facilities. It is very research focused and they have an excellent mentoring program too.

Considering the number of universities (even in the Northeast), there are not many. I am not trying to battle, but many of the top universities has transitioned to accelerated programs. Also, the rankings of Penn does not match the ranking of TCNJ. The one you don’t have on your list is Case Western…a hidden gem.

I have a family friend in nursing school at U of Arkansas, and it has a lot that the OP is asking for. It is not direct admit, though.

Also, it’s very competitive to get in. Our friend is an excellent student and was waitlisted from the program when she first applied. She got in the next semester, so all is good, but she is graduating late. So it’s imperative to get TOP grades from the get go.

To add to Mwallen’s list, other top ranked highly competitive direct-entry nursing programs include Georgetown, U. Michigan, Villanova and UVa. There are about 50 more direct entry nursing program in the northeast, where nursing is typically the most competitive major for admission. The College of NJ has a respected nursing program that has very competitive admissions.

Most of the Ivy-level universities don’t offer any nursing programs or only have a grad nursing program, and nursing is also rare among the most competitive liberal arts colleges. Historically, Catholic colleges have offered the largest number of nursing programs.

In the northeast, I don’t hear about colleges replacing direct entry programs with accelerated programs for people who already have non-nursing bachelors. Instead, many smaller colleges are looking for ways to attract more non-traditional students (including RN certification for people with other bachelors) to supplement their traditional undergrads, because they are having trouble meeting their target total enrollments.

However, people need to realize that in the southeast, direct entry programs are much less common. You can search on this website for a comprehensive list of direct entry programs.

Georgetown is eliminating their BSN program for students with a non-nursing bachelors. Instead, they are offering a program for a masters in nursing for people with a non-nursing bachelors.

@charlieschm do you know when they are eliminating it? Could you send me a link of where they mentioned it was being eliminated.

" Attention Prospective Students: The Accelerated BSN Program is no longer accepting applications. Please visit our new Clinical Nurse Leader Program Web site. Like the Accelerated BSN Program, the CNL Program offers students with a bachelor’s degree or higher in a field other than nursing the opportunity to pursue a nursing degree and career. However, the CNL Program prepares graduates for master’s-level entry into the nursing profession."



University of Texas - Austin is only on their second year of direct entry. It’s a top tier research institute ranked highly internationally. It’s difficult to get into - especially out of state, but very well worth the try. Because it’s so new with direct entry - it’s a hidden gem… Also - they are building a state of the art hospital next door to the nursing building for future collaboration. It’ll be the first time UT will have a medical school in Austin.

Just read the other threads by the OP. Her ACT is currently 22, but she is hoping to increase that to 28.

Any nursing school suggestions for a BSN with that ACT score?

Good luck!

@4kidsdad … What state?

ACT prediction is based on proctors tests. First test was taken with no prep.

Hi parents!
I posted this in the nursing thread, but you guys might know too!

I’m wondering if anyone on here knows of any “hidden gem” schools with nursing programs?
There’s the big state schools, and the the list of nursing schools from US World News, ect, but I want to know of more that you guys know about!

I love watching sports, so sports a a school is a must have. Direct entry programs are preferred. I don’t want ridiculously competitive schools, but I want a good program.
Tell me what you guys know :slight_smile:

Practice tests** not proctors ^

These are the nursing schools I was accepted to, and I feel like all of them were pretty much gems:

Azusa Pacific University
UC Irvine

Univ of Washington, Seattle (NOT DIRECT ENTRY)

University of Pennsylvania

University of San Francisco
University of Portland
Dominican University (Not direct entry)
Seattle University
Gonzaga University
CSU Fullerton
ASU (not direct entry)
UT Ausitn