<p>I know what you're thinking: "His high school grades are inflated." It's not true, but I don't blame you. Let me shed light on a little background info though:</p>
<p>Weighted GPA: 4.4
Full IB courseload.</p>
Speech and Debate club president
Speech and Debate team captain
1st place Lion's Club area competition (that's the 3rd level of competition)
1st place Rotary winner (club level)
3rd place California State Tournament qualifier in student congress
1st place A division student congress
2nd place American Legion club level
And a bunch of other things of lesser significance</p>
<p>JSA Secretary
Key Club Senior Rep
National Honor Society Web Tech (lol)</p>
<p>1st place in the county art fair as well as two honorable mentions</p>
<p>3 years varsity golf
1 year JV wrestling</p>
<p>Oh yeah, and a 1750 on my first unprepared SAT I and for SAT IIs I got 690 and 650 on history and physics respectively.</p>
<p>That was my first time taking the SAT but after many hours of practice I don't expect much better. Maybe an 1800 or 1850 if I'm lucky. I keep doing the 35 question writing section and reviewing the answers I get wrong (on different tests from the blue book) but after 7 times I still get a consistent number of problems wrong: 7. No matter what do.</p>
<p>I'm not sure why this is. High level calculus is a snap to learn and do, so are intricate and deep essays, but it seems I just can't do as well as my peers on the SAT. I know I'm as intelligent if not more intelligent than my peers who get 2050-2200+ so I don't quite understand why I can excel at anything but this test. I've done some sections from previous tests, reviewed and understood wrong problems, but it seems that I'll always make mistakes no matter what. It's like I plateaued at a point where I'd expect better. </p>
<p>A breakdown-
Critical reading: 620
Math: 570
Writing: 560</p>
<p>I'm not sure what to make out of this or what to do. Any ideas would be appreciated.</p>