High SAT's but Low GPA.....

<p>I'm an Asian female from a pretty competitive CA public high school. So what do you think with these stats?...I'm so worried and regret not trying harder in 9th & 10th.</p>

<p>SAT I: 2340 (CR 740, M 800, W 800) taken twice=best one setting score
SAT II: Math IIc-800, US history-800, Physics-760, Bio-720
GPA: Overall unweighted-3.5 10 & 11 only for UC unweighted-3.65
Weighted GPA-4.3 UC Weighted-4.05
All honors & AP except foreign language, all A's in Junior except 1 B
AP's: 10th- WH (4), Biol (5), this year-US, Physics B, Calc AB, Human Geo</p>

<p>Awards: A very prestigious nationally recognized Science award, local and national essay awards, and a few others that're not that significant. Maybe National merit semi finalist and AP scholar thingy.</p>

<p>EC's: Student body V.P., Club president, and 2 club VP and other officer positions throughout high school.<br>
2 summer internships at an engineering firm.
4 years of softball by senior year. </p>

<p>So what are my chances at</p>


<p>I'm undecided major. I know I'm very strong in math but don't want to major in anything related to math or science. Thanks for taking the time to chance me.</p>

<p>UC-Berkeley- Maybe Fit
Duke- Reach
Upenn- Low Reach
Stanford- Reach
Northwestern- Maybe Fit
Cornell- Fit
NYU- Fit

<p>Your GPA is a bit low considering your awesome SAT scores. I'd say you have a good chance at all the UC's.</p>

<p>Don't like math/science? What are you thinking of then?</p>

<p>If you are strong in math, you should list your major as engineering regardless of your intended major. It will give you a small boost. Looking at this year results, that seems to help. Also you can switch out of engineering majore easier than you can switch into engineering once you are admitted. For UCSD which admissions based on a point system, make sure you have a minimum of 100 hours of volunteer work. Pay attention to the point system. Last year someone with 2300+ SAT but missed UCSD cutoff by just 2 points. I'll try to find his post.</p>

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/481856-sort-unexpected-result.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/481856-sort-unexpected-result.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks for chancing me guys. I have no idea right now as to what to major in but I know I don't want to major in engineering. I think Columbia_student might be right about listing my major as engineering just to get accepted and then change my major later on when I know what I really want to do. If somehow I could raise my Physics grade this semester to an A then I'll 10th & 11th unweighted GPA of 3.7. My dream school is Stanford and maybe by some miracle I'll be accepted (I know I am dreaming).</p>