High School Doesn't Rank

<p>Hey, while I'm a year behind everyone frantic for their admission decision...I'm really in love with UF and really hope to get in. </p>

<p>I know UF bases a lot of admission on class rank, but my high school does not.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if this will affect my chances?</p>

<p>On a related note...hearing everyone's opinion on my chances would be nice I guess.</p>

<p>Currently a junior, graduate 2010</p>

<p>Current Average (up to midway junior year):
94 unweighted , 98 weighted</p>


<p>2190--I hope I'm at least a National Merit Semi, but I don't know...</p>

<p>Sat I
Critical Reading 730
Math 720
Writing 710
Sat II
Biology 750
Chemistry 690
Math I 690</p>

European History 4
7 more to take before graduation</p>

<p>Extra Curricular Activities (if 12th grade mentioned, this is expected):
9-12 Math Team
10 Junior Varsity Rifle Team
11-12 Varsity Rifle Team
11-12 School Newspaper (Editor)
11-12 Leadership Club (A group devoted to community service)
11-12 Student Government (Treasurer)
National Honor Society Member
Internship with state government official
Over 150 hours of volunteer work at local hospital</p>

Out of State Student
First Generation American</p>

<p>I hope I didn't miss anything ^.^
I guess it's a little early for chance me questions...but hey, if you guys have the experience and the time...THANK YOU SO MUCH!</p>

<p>UF does not take consider class rank in admissions decisions. I emailed the admissions office a few months ago and they said it was not necessary to send it in.</p>

<p>Yep, gatorboy is right. My high school did not rank either and I’m currently a UF student. My stats weren’t out of this world either.</p>

<p>by the way, you probably will be a national merit semi. my friends got 212 and 213 and they both got it.</p>

<p>thank you all!</p>

<p>amc131-what state?</p>

<p>I live in NY…cutoff last year was 216 I believe.</p>

<p>lol florida. i forgot you were out of state. but anyway, they told us the cutoff was like 217 for us. maybe that means to be a finalist? idk. i just know that they got semis. and besides, many schools offer full tuition scholarships just based on being a semi.</p>

<p>I don’t know of any NMF’s that got denied by UF.</p>

<p>then hopefully I become one…haha</p>